Original: Bad Timing (Rick and Daniel) G

Jul 29, 2012 00:23

Title: Bad Timing [ INDEX]
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Rick, Mel and Daniel
Rating: G
Summary: Changing diapers is all about timing...
Warning: Any drooling brought on by a certain fireman being awesome is expected... Set mid-July, 2011. *Written for Round 52 of prompt_in_a_box. Prompt January 2009: "You think this is funny?" *for luxuria_oceanus. BECAUSE.
Disclaimer: For the first time, I can say that EVERYTHING about this one is MINE, ALL MINE. Mwahaha!! Inspirations all come from characteraday, with thanks.

Rick glared over his shoulder as his wife stood in the doorway, hand over her mouth and trying not to laugh. "You think this is funny," he told her. The not-so-subtle snort that came from behind her hand was answer enough. The squeal of happiness coming from in front of him caused Rick to look back to the changing table in front of him, and baby Daniel, who was diaper-less and smiling.

Rick raised his hand quickly, before being attacked with a second stream from Daniel, and lowered a fresh diaper. "Aim, boy!" he said, trying not to laugh, himself.

-prompt_in_a_box, startin' fires

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