May 20, 2009 19:44
Dear LJ land,
I feel as though we havn't sat down and spoken properly in a while, so here's a general update. Things are going well, and yet are also really busy. I miss Goth clubbing and pubbing in general but due to uni and work streses I've not managed to make it out very often, I felt as though things were going heywire for a bit due to everything being a little *too* flexible if you can beleive it. Because I had very low contact hours during honours and no set hours at polymorph, and no regular life modeling I kind of felt as though I was trying to do everything at once and ending up getting nothing done. I've counteracted this by setting myself set hours at Polymorph and cutting down on drinking dramatically, which has helped a great deal with Uni work!
Even so I stil feel I need to pull my socks up with uni as well, I've knocked over a few late assignments and my thesis abstract went down a treat with the head of Honours so its not all bad. I think I have some kind of weird guilt complex about never getting enough done even when I know in my heart I've worked my ass off.
I've been seeing a lovely guy called Dave for the last few months, which as Kieren pointed out has grounded me dramatically, I'm trying not to rely on my "I'm sure things will work out somehow" philosophy so much because even though they usually do I can't help but think at some stage they just won't, and it will be when I need things to the most. Also Kieren has moved into my house for a bit, which is lovely. He is much more consinderate then myself and the rest of the housemates, but he doesn't seem to mind.
I'm really tired, so I think I'll leave it there for now
Thanks to all that came to my birthday shenanigans, I had a great time!