Meme! :D

Nov 16, 2005 20:07

I found this at brn_gamble's LJ... just had to snatch it ;)

LJ Interests meme results

  1. apollon:
    Because he is the coolest Greek god EVER. I just happen to love beautiful, blond, bisexual archers, okay? Especially when they have a talent for telling the future and makes awesome musicians.
  2. castles:
    Yeah... *happy sigh* I love castles, especially the ones from the Middle Ages located in Scotland. Those ruins, combined with the green hills, the beautiful moors and the magnificent highlands, have such a great impact on me.
  3. dublin:
    Because it's... Dublin. One of the few big cities that gives the impression of being small and cozy, maybe because there aren't so many really big buildings. It just feels nice being in Dublin. I feel at home there, among the happy Irishmen at a cozy little pub somewhere far, far away from Temple Bar.
  4. gormenghast:
    Great series made for TV with Jonathan Rhys Meyers in the one of the lead roles, based on the Gormenghast trilogy by Mervyn Peake. Really cool story that I LOVE. I love everything about it. Watching the series gives you such a lovely creepy feeling. Oh, and Cristopher Lee is in it. And Stephen Fry. That, plus JRM, definitely makes it worth watching. ;)
  5. importance of being earnest:
    Funniest play by Oscar Wilde.
    Funniest play EVER.
  6. life:
    I like life, and I'm thankful for having mine and getting the chance to live. I've had a happy life, and I hope I can stay this happy until the day that I die.
  7. modesty blaise:
    She just rocks. Coolest female comic character, except Nemi by Lise Myhre.
  8. poetry:
    It's nice reading poetry that other people have written. Some things just sound so much better when it's not written in prose...
  9. severus snape:
    Wonderfully evil, sarcastic and hateable in a good way. Me and him have a kind of hate/love relationship.
  10. under the glass moon:
    Cool Korean comic about wizards in the 21th century. Worth checking out just because of the artwork, which is absolutely marvellous.

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