
Jul 13, 2005 21:34

Really, summer is a wonderful thing.

If summer now really is a "thing". Some would call it a season, a time of the year.

But I know what it is.

It's a state of mind.

I prefer June, really, but July is also okay. Mostly because my birthday is in July. The 18th, more exactly. Just five days left until my 16th birthday. That's kinda cool, I suppose. But I can't say that I feel any difference now than when I was 13. It's all the same for me. Everybody is supposed to change alot during these years of life, but not me. I guess I've already changed. I feel so much older than everybody else, so much more mature. It's not boasting in any way. It's just fact. I feel much better when I get to talk to people that are little older than me. Not that much older, but I can definitely see that I usually have much more in common with those who are 20-25 years old than those who are 15,16,17 years old. They're all party, dating girls/boys, drinking, being cool and whatever. I find all that kind of boring. It's just not me. I'm more the stay at home-type, looking at pretty boys from distance and compliment them, and okay, I DO like whiskey, but only tasting it, and thank you, I am perfectly fine with being just ME. And that's what good with summer. You don't have to listen to everyone talking about shit that you aren't interested in anyway. Summer, and especially summer vacation, is a time when you can just be yourself, away from everybody else, and do what you want without anyone complaining and running around my feet. I can read and I can write and I can sleep until noon... that is; in summer, I can do what I really want to do.

I suppose I sound very unsocial. Well, sometimes I am. I don't understand some people, wanting to see each other outside school THAT much. I mean, when you're in my age and younger, you meet everyone in school every goddamn day (except for weekends) and I really get tired of people then, so I just wanna have the rest of my day for myself, including weekends. Then of course, there are some people that I adore and whom I can consider spending weekends with. You people know who you are, even if you may not be reading this...

Anyway... I suppose I am in a very aloof and thoughtful mood today, hm? And not one single smiley. Wow. I am impressed by myself... :D Ah, there it came...

Our TV broke down during the last thunderstorm. It keeps shutting itself off all the time. So today we bought a new one, which is, indeed, very nice. It's very flat. A 32" LCD screen TV. Though we have one problem; when we're using the DVD, there won't come any sound out of the righthand speaker. That is not nice. We'll fix that, though...

And tomorrow my uncle will come by and stay for a while. That is very fun. He is a very nice person indeed. I think I'll force him to read some Philip Pullman books.

Talking about books; not many days until Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince enteres the stores. I've booked a copy at my local bookstore, so I'll be sure to get one.

There's strawberries waiting for me. I think I'm going to pay a visit to them.

* * * * *

P.S. Even though this entry may have sounded just a tad morose, irritated or annoyed, I can assure you that this is not the case. I'm just a wee bit indifferent today.

P.P.S. I still love summer very much. And I still love June the most.
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