Oct 19, 2009 19:05
The whole Balloon Boy saga is just one big exercise in societal stupidity. Why are they surprised that it was a hoax? This guy has attempted to be on reality shows many times, succeeding, in fact. He's using his children, his family to gain some weird shot to the ego.
He should pay the tab. I don't know about prison time, but I do think he should pay for the massive rescue effort launched when his wife first called the media. Not 911. The friggin' media. Hello alarm bells. I think he should be required to attend counseling not only in regards to his parenting, but his narcissism as well.
And then it would be awesome if tv execs actually took a solid, ethical look at whether or not each of their little 'reality' shows should even get made. People crave it because it's attention, it's money, it's fame. But for all the 'reality', it's fake.
And I would rather see tv shows that someone's talent and creativity went into. I don't want this false reality crap. I want to see something that makes me think, that makes me see a story that isn't someone's life on camera. I love the completely different, the fantastical or even simply whimsical. I think this is why I'm a sci fi buff.
"Reality TV" needs to take a hike. Rarely is it helpful, never is it truth. Very little of it is even entertaining.