Alright. Despite the fact that the majority of the folks who read my LJ haven't really hung out with me in the flesh for years (other than the odd Saturday night romp here and there), I'm still going to go ahead and post my
Johari link (nicked from
waiwode and
twistdprincesse). We'll see how it turns out.
Did anyone else know that Bruce Campbell is doing voice talent for a cartoon called "Megas XLR". Is it just me, or does that title sound like "Mega sex L R" when you read it out loud? Campbell does the voice of a big head with small arms and legs named "Magnanimous". Somehow, it fits. I think it might have been a one-off cameo.
After a few hours of BF2 last night, I managed to get down into the RF Online beta. I struggled with the controls for the first little bit. They're quite different than WoW or Guild Wars, but not altogether bad after you get used to it. I started an Accretian character. They're anime style robots. I specialized in swords. I have yet to figure out how to take decent screen shots, but once I do, I'll be sure to post some. At this point, the "beta" aspects of the game are more related to localization issues than actual gameplay. Lost of spelling mistakes and justification problems in the text. That sort of thing. I think I hit 9th level after a couple hours of hunting.
I also got through the tutorials in "The Battle for Middle Earth 2" demo. Wow. It's light-years ahead of the first game and easily trumps pretty much any other RTS currently available. I'm not just talking graphics - but while I'm on the topic, this game looks astonishing for an RTS. Hell, it looks amazing for an FPS in some cases. Unfortunately my aging 5900 Ultra can't keep up on anything higher than "medium" settings. *sigh* Seriously, self - time for an upgrade. BFME2 seems to have a winning formula at first blush. I'm going to play through the rest of the demo before really making my decision, but 'all signs point toward awesome.'
Alright. Time for a couple of episodes of Naruto.