Jun 02, 2011 04:33
Some shithead took my cacti!
And then he just -dumped- them into the grass by the sidewalk up the block!
I thought maybe neighbor kids had stolen them for some reason. When I went to water the tomato plant, I found part of a sidewalk light inside the greenhouse and two of the cacti missing, only their catch dishes left behind. I ranted to Angel for a little, then went outside to take a walk and look around, and discovered the neighbors were indeed missing a sidewalk light. I only had the very top of it, but the stake was missing too. So, what, mebbe the kids broke the light and nabbed my cacti as an 'I'm sorry!' gift? But I didn't see the cacti around that house anyplace, so I went back inside to rant some more.
After Angel went to bed I took another walk the other way, and found one pot sitting empty on the sidewalk. This pissed me off even more than I already was, and I started looking for a dumped cactus and the other pot. I did find one cactus, but no pot, and the darker cactus eluded me for another twenty minutes before I nearly stepped on it in the grass. I found the missing stake before I found my little Grumpy. -.-
So instead it looks like someone wanted a pot, took two, dumped my cacti out and maybe kept most of the soil. I dunno. I have all the plants inside now except a Gerbera daisy and the 'Texas plant', the first hopefully looking too weedy and the other too heavy for anyone to want to make off with. FEH. I dunno if I can put my critters outside anymore for their sunshine, now...!