Fun Stuff

Sep 09, 2011 07:36

So yesterday I went to playgroup with Michelle. It was a lot of fun, Ian loved Veteran's Park. Then we went to Hunter Library and checked out some books (can I just say how much I love the way the Salt Lake County Library system works?) It's so nice to be able to check out books from any library in the county and return them to any library in the county. What a great sharing of resources, what a convenience! It's just way cool. Anyway then we came home and we had a relatively quiet day reading those books and catching up on Top Chef Desserts. Ian has become my cooking show watching partner. It's adorable I can't watch Top Chef or Hell's Kitchen without him. (I worry a little about the language on Hell's Kitchen but he is really good about ignoring it or telling me those people said a bad word mommy they need their hands slapped and then going back to narrating what they are doing in the kitchen). It's pretty adorable! He's also gotten to be a passable help in the kitchen when I'm cooking. Connor likes to help too and does fairly well but it's more of an amusement for him, Ian really truly seems to enjoy it, it's fun!

Then Connor came home and we did his reading time. He also brought home a sheet with community activities on it. It looks like a new Pre K dance class has been set up I'm going to look into today getting Ian into it. It's Tuesday nights and is only $18/month. I think he would really enjoy it!

Today is a nice quiet day at home. Then tomorrow is my birthday. I'm going to go volunteer for Bountiful Baskets then pick up bagels on my way home. Then we have a bunch of errands/appts/fun stuff planned with the boys. Then I'm going to crash at home. Next weekend or next week some time when things are less crazy we're going to go to Buca with renishas and her husband to celebrate. Honestly though, as long as I get a big hug from my boys and my one cheater piece of cheesecake (I've told my doctor all along I am so having cheesecake on my birthday and they said that was fine) all is good :).

Finally watched Doctor Who Night Terrors last night. I'm afraid I was a bit disappointed. The creepy factor was great, so yay on that! But the rest felt a bit like it stretched the bands of viewer suspension of disbelief. I'm williing to do so, but only so far, you push it too far and it feels overly fantastical. It actually reminded me a bit of the old Who in that regard. That and it felt like it overly stretched the campy line as well. Which was sad for me because I adored Let's Kill Hitler. What I am looking forward to is the next one though because I can't imagine the doctor's comment "here we all are in the flesh" was a throw away line, especially when seen in the light of some of the clips from the next show. I'm curious to see exactly what turns that takes though because I can think of several interesting scenarios.

doctor who, cooking

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