Getting To Know Ian

Sep 01, 2011 16:32

So I had almost 2 years with Connor before Ian came along but up until now I've not really had a lot of Ian time. When Connor was in preschool my Ian time was eaten up in doctor appointments and whatnot. During Connor's kindergarten we had some time but now with Connor gone all day I'm really getting to know this little guy. And he's fun. He's got such an imagination. I know you aren't supposed to compare your kids...but ya come on we all do it. I know a lot of Ian's differences are due to the fact that he doesn't have Asperger's but some of them are just him too.

The one that has captured me most today is his imagination. So because of the credits I won for KSL Deals awhile ago I recently acquired Pass of all Passes for our family which has meant we've spent a fair amount of time lately at Trafalga. I knew Ian liked it but had no idea how much until we went to play pretend today. He wanted me to walk with him "around Trafalga" (aka our family room) so we would go from place to place and pretend we were on the different rides. It was so adorable! Also he is so much more into coloring than Connor was/is.

Although Connor has made HUGE strides on his fine motor skills and his writing and coloring since I started letting him paint more. Go figure! It's fun to watch him grow. He and I also get some one on one time every morning. The 10-15 min before Connor's bus picks him up Ian goes downstairs to play on the computer and Connor and I go outside and sit on the driveway and read the Friend magazine. It's so fun!

But I've diverged off again. This is why this time with Ian is so important because as much as I love Connor he takes so much of me time wise, money wise, emotional energy wise I have to make space for Ian. I'm trying to be better about that. This time has been good for that. I went with Ian to his field trip to the Sweet's Candy Factory yesterday and it was great! He is so well behaved and listened to the questions and it was neat to to see his particular favorite candies and how he looked at things that we learned. He's a neat kid and I'm glad I'm getting to know him better!

ian development

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