Aug 08, 2007 21:00
The weather outside is frightful. I feel trapped inside by all the smog warnings. I've had to do most of my mandated extra excercise indoors, stairclimbing and weights are getting old. On the plus side I have been reading more.
Most of what I've read lately has been has been at the suggestion of a friend. Farthing by Jo Walton a sort of alternate history/ mystery is one of those books that should be a best seller, well crafted and interesting and keeps your attention until the last page. I have also read the latest Harry Potter and enough has been said about it.
The library deliverd some good reads from my hold list yesterday. Janet Evanovich is a predictable writer but you read her books for fun not great literature. Lean Mean Thirteen was fun. Not as good as some of her others but still fun a cottage read. I went out for coffee after picking it up from the library and finished it at Tim Hortons. Next read was Lone Wolf by Linwood Barclay. Linwood is a great columnist
and an even better novelist. A a nice balance of humor and terror with interesting characters. I've
started Thank You for Arguing by Jay Heinrichs (ok stop laughing!).