Lost in Time - epilogue

Apr 13, 2011 20:37

Genre: crossover Torchwood/ Brokeback Mountain: canon for TW, au for BBM

Summary: Team Torchwood rushes to another rift anomaly that brought along something from the past: two cowboys, for whom a trip to the middle of nowhere took an unexpected turn. Ennis' POV.

Disclaimer: Oh, you know - I don't own neither Brokeback Mountain nor Torchwood nor do I claim any rights to one of them. All creative rights to the characters belong to BBC and Focus and their original creators RTD and AP. I won‘t make any profit with this story.

Thanks to chamilet for the beta work.

Lost in Time

<< Part 2


They stayed for one more week. Helped to catch a second weevil, on the huge Plass above the bunker in night four with another lasso stunt. They held a lasso lesson the day after for the whole team. They helped Ianto clean out the back room of the Tourist Office from last year's event calendars and boxes of leaflets, handouts and whatnot. Volunteered to give the outside of the little shop front a new coat of paint. Did little things to help and keep busy and just got used to a new place. A new millennium, a new society, discussing what they could do, where they could stay.

It was obvious they couldn’t work at Torchwood, although Ennis was about to get used to the team dynamics and the camaraderie. But they were neither scientists nor technicians. To man the tourist office they would need to know the city a lot better. They couldn’t cook worth a damn, Ianto’s coffee was far from whatever hot, dark liquid they could come up with and just lassoing weevils every now and again wasn’t enough.
And, honestly: Ennis DelMar hunting aliens in the 21st century? No way!
Plus Ennis didn’t want to live in the city. He missed his horses, well, his horse, since there was only one left. After the one time he went to see her with Gwen, he was sure that the countryside was where he belonged. Jack said he’d be ok with whatever came up. He’d work as a salesman but he’d work on a farm as well.
And as Owen stated ‘there should be enough sheep in Wales for them to herd‘.

They ended up on the wider outskirts for a while. Ennis helping out in the place Gwen Cooper's friend had arranged for his horse to stay in the beginning, until someone suggested a place half an hour from Cardiff where they bred and trained quarter horses*. It was close to perfect.

Jack worked for a friend of Rhys Williams’, Gwen’s fiancé, who ran a wholesale for everything car and truck related, but when he visited the quarter horse farm with Ennis the wish to work on a farm grew.
So they moved again after a few months, to a small town in South Wales.

Once they thought about going on vacation and returning to the US, going to Wyoming, but in the end they went to the Scottish highlands instead, never discussed the other option again.

They had lost contact with Torchwood soon after they had moved out of Cardiff. The last thing they heard from the team was that Gwen and Rhys had gotten married. They had sent a card through Rhys’ friend and had gotten a thank-you note and a picture of the happy couple and one of the whole team. And sometimes they heard about strange occurrences in the news and wondered.


Jack probably wasn’t sure and never asked what ‘Cariad Bychan’ meant, though Ennis could see it made Jack happy when he whispered it to him, which became more regularly lately.

And only Ennis would ever know who had taught him the Welsh expression for ‘little darling‘.

*There really are a couple of quarter horse breeders in South Wales, which I found out about rather by chance tbh.

The end

Amazing Counters<

crossover, lost in time, torchwood

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