"Have mercy baby/ on a poor girl like me/ you know I'm falling falling falling at you feet..."

Jul 29, 2003 11:42

This is like the concert post I guess.

Last night I went to see The Counting Crows. They were amazing, great set design...funny guys and the music was awesome. John Mayer was after them (which is why every teeny bopper in the state was there complete with the hoochie outfits). We didn't stay for him though because we're not huge John fans.

Then in October, I'm going to go see Fleetwood Mac. I'm so incredibly excited and I got killer seats so I'm just about to pee in my pants thinking about it. I'm pretty sure I'm the youngest fan they have too. My friend's parents looked at me like I was crazy when I told them I was going to a FM concert lol.

I'm going to see them, yes I am...
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