Apr 04, 2006 23:24
So Rivalry totally sucked, and at this point I don't even know why I did it. Reasons why:
- At the Sophomore Sale, I was the only one who experienced a 2 minute hesitation. They called my name twice before someone bid on me... reluctantly.
- The Maskers bought me for $5.
- I went to the Masker party and had fun. I really like the girls but cannot see myself as a Masker (overalls, redneck band... not my thing... no offense).
- I didn't think I would get a call from the club I wanted, but I at least thought I would get one call.
- I was the only person that got NO CALLS!!
- I'm already highly emotional b/c of female things, but this was the icing on the cake.
- I already felt unwanted from the sale.
- Not being called increased my feelings of unwantedness.
- I don't mean to bring up/mope about past drama by any means, but it reminded me of a time when another club didn't want me.
- I'm just sooo fucking depressed!
- No one reply w/ comments like "There's always the fall" or "Rivalry means nothing" because I've heard all of these things... numerous times before.
- For all of you 2-years out there: I am sooo interested! I'm not like the others that are semi-interested or barely interested at all. I AM A SURE BET! I WILL PLEDGE IF CALLED!!
Kilt Kegger/Treasurer stuff is giving me the fucking hives! WE NEED MONEY!! Tell anyone you know to donate! Help us help sick children (like my cousin) by sponsoring!
I hate school and social life right now.