Mar 29, 2006 23:13
So now that the stress of my pre-Spring Break week is over, I'm FUCKING BORED OUTTA MY MIND!! The sad part is, if I'm this bored now, how the fuck will I be next year w/ my best friends either gone or busy w/ nursing school?! Not to mention, I'm hafta hang around Kincannon and do ACA shit.
Points You Missed:
-Still supposed to be getting that ring soon.... *looks at watch and sighs*
-Chattanooga, TN, is the shit! I might wanna live there...
-My "Beale Street cherry" has been popped!
-I got to pet a turtle at the Tennessee Aquarium! And see otters!
-Dr. Millikin's slow-ass grading is really beginning to urk me! Argh!
-Dr. Roth = good teacher... but not a good Applied Stats. teacher (I have a good grade, but he bores the ever-living-hell outta me!)
-Crazy Poskizzi quote: "Every now and then you gotta smoke the pipe w/ 'em to kinda understand where they're coming from." (talking about friends of his that smoke weed)
-I might have my B-A-M, Tupelo job back for the summer.
-I got changed from part-time at Super Church to sub... my boss sucks ass!
And finally....
-Waiting and waiting and waiting for the call that just may never come and seeing your friends get calls really just fucking sucks, for lack of better description!