funky monkey

Jun 07, 2007 17:27


finished x 2
oekaki x 7
sketches x 16

original - mythological beasties, misc characters
fanart - Pokémon, Hunter x Hunter, Eyeshield 21, Spyro the Dragon, His Dark Materials, One Piece, Marvel, DC Comics

warnings - blood, female nudity, mild male nudity

Kind of a combined mother's day and a birthday present for.. yeah, mom. She likes Alphonse Mucha and femininity in general so I drew.. a.. fairy with a snail? Iono. It's gross because my scanner is horrible :(

Hoothoot and Noctowl are really awesome.

blah blah gross

hee hee. I put in a heart card and didn't even realize it's KIND OF SYMBOLIC. I'm unintentionally awesome O: (yah, hisoillu. leave me be!)

laulu_omenalle was asking about Greggory so I DONE DREWED HIM. Ally suggested his name and by coincidence I used to have this INSAEN CAT character who was called greggory. Gefri was the one who suggested the cat's name. :O
So yeah, Greg. Good times. He's a.. uh.. thing.

Oh yah, I got hirumamo on fanart100. I thought they forgot me or something which is why my name has been on the list awhile with me unactive, but yeah, awesome. So I'm a post some of the sketches here since some of you wackjobs are romantic dorks too or EVEN LIKE THIS PAIRING. (Plus Hikaru needs more motivation ;D) Excuse my occasional girlyness.

Replaying the best videogame ever ;_;

I was convinced to start reading His Dark Materials and well - I'm enjoying it so far! I'm at the part in Golden Compass where they met Serafina Pekkala for the first time so HUSH, no spoilers. I'll be forced to go watch the movie when it comes out eitherway (not really - I want to see it too) so I'm ma reading 'dis so I can fully enjoy it.

Besides Lord Asriel and John Faa, Iorek and Lee are my favourites :>

Serafina Pekkala is a finnish witch - I mean, she lives in North Pole and her last name is finnish. :D Her goose-daemon's name is Kaisa, also a finnish name. All sorts of awesome.
The wood they fly with is called "cloudpine" in the finnish translation, not sure if it's the same in the english one but eitherway I imagine it to be a minth-greenish.. stick. Kind of like a broomstick but looks sort of like.. hornwort-moss? Probably not the correct word but you know what I mean. Hum.

Mmm some originals I don't really draw much.. Priscilla, probably one of the few characters of mine I could call "evil" or "villainish", Matthew, a retired plague-doctor slash contortionist, one tiny Viktor and some Nath.


I haven't even played this game. sad. it's me as a katamari cousin (or something) eitherway

dunno if I have shown this to you. WELL HERE YOU GO ANYWAY

I wonder if I can ever get away from drawing phinxes without being called a furry. My money's on no, no I will not. :(

Just some venting.

Hurray, mental anguish animals in group! Plus a new face, INSANITY MOOSE. I'm looking forward to "LUKS LIEK MONONOKEE HIMEE". so yah, Kornelius the Dream-master, Lion of Anxiety and Slothbear of.. something. I totally forgot. It was probably Wrath or Anger.

Heehee, crossovers. Vivi as.. Vivi and some strawhats as the EMBASSADORS OF YOUTH.


ahaha oh man. deadpool. need more of him. need. bonus rorschashcsdsd and logans.

Harley Quinn in civilian-garb waiting for a certain someone to come back home

Moar sphinxes, a Korppu and some of my more obscure character-pairings.

My first androgynous character, I think? I have no idea if this is a girl or a boy, and I'll probably leave it that way. :D Dude's got a HARPOON.

uwah roketto dan

backs are the most fun to draw.

another one for hirumamo100.

ps. if one piece 459 hints to what I think it's hinting at, my heart is bursting of Brooke-love. jesus fuck ♥ ;__;

fanart: batman, original: grigori, original: priscilla, original: zaku, original: hilla, original: betteus, story: en tu thrie, original: korppu, original: maggot, fanart: eyeshield 21, original: nath, original: scott, original: matthew, art, fanart: watchmen, fanart: hunter x hunter, original: ember, original: kornelius, original: viktor, fanart: deadpool, fanart: pokemon, original: marsa, story: misc, fanart: spyro the dragon, original: erni, fanart: one piece, fanart: his dark materials, fanart: x-men, story: unlikely assembly, original: phoe

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