So, the second time around was a bit different than the first. Partially because I knew what I was doing, partially because I was male. (Although, sadly, I think that Quix's life ended up even more screwed up than Mutive's. Oh well. Such is the way of the agent.)
I took the very rarely chosen semi-lightside ending, which I found interesting for a lot of reasons. I will tell this all very non-linearly, mostly because I don't think that poor Quix thinks at all in a linear fashion.
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Anyhow, so first of all, Keeper came back from the dead, which I think make Quix very happy. They hooked up long ago back on Dromond Kaas, and since then, she's been pretending it never happened, much to Quix's great disappointment. (As I think he fancied himself somewhat in love with her, despite her tendency to call him a dirty alien. Still, she's the least crazy of the women he's run into so far.) I think he'd sort of gotten over it, seeing as he now had Hunter to flirt with, and all, but I think he was still holding a flame for her. Anyway, he finally got a flirt option...which was more than a little weird...but she sort of flirted back in her weird little way, so I think he's taken that as a sign that they're semi-together again. (She did say that they were working together as equals again, too, which seems promising? IDK.)
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Things got even more exciting when Keeper asked him to kill himself. Definitely flirty there. In Quix's opinion, he's doing well!
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And at the bitter end, she even gave Quix her real name. So he's kind of excited there. It seems at least possible that she'll let him come back to her apartment sometime. And even if she doesn't, at least it seems highly plausible that she'll never refer to him as a dirty alien ever again, which in his mind is a step in the right direction.
As far as work is concerned, Quix seems to be doing so-so. He's a little annoyed in that everyone seems to want him to take out the Star Cabal and he remains unconvinced that this is a good idea. Near as he can tell, they're trying to destroy the Sith, which doesn't seem entirely stupid. Plus, they seem like a fairly cool secret organization, and he's fairly fond of Hunter for reasons that escape me. (Other than that Quix is pretty masochistic. Which may actually be the whole of Hunter's appeal. Probably the less I try to analyze this the better.)
Anyway, he had a conversation with the Minister of Intelligence, where he got to ask whether they should really be taking out the Star Cabal and the Minister seemed somewhat sympathetic to the Star Cabal, but also came down on the side of "spies can't be zealots", which made Quix all sad.
Anyway, he got to the Star Chamber and...
Well, like dude. The place is really pretty. In fact, it seems to be a museum...
Star Cabal flags leading up to the Star Chamber.
One of the many museum exhibits in the Star Chamber. There are a bunch of these, all different, and they each have a little (sadly unreadable) plaque in front of them. It has me convinced that the Star Cabal has been collecting the most awesome stuff they run into for millenia and storing it here. How can I destroy an organization that wants to do that? (And, um, kill Jedi and Sith.)
In particular, the room with the Black Codex is pretty cool. There are a bunch of alcoves behind it with different treasures. I went and took pictures of all of them, which was kind of hilarious as I escaped out of Hunter's little "I will kill you now!" speech to do it. It gave me this image of Hunter being all, "Because I like you, I'll let you snap pictures of everything before I try to kill you. But, dude, you are being the worst agent ever. You do realize that I could sneak up and stab you right now, don't you? Don't you? Seriously, idiot, stop taking pictures and fight me."
Anyhow, regardless, I didn't really think that Quix wanted to take out the Star Cabal. He probably wanted to leave them alone and wander off to a nice beach somewhere. So he decided that he'd make one last attempt to reason with them:
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This went about as well as one might expect (although yielded some really interesting dialogue after the death of the Prince). It also managed to get Hunter yelled at, which I found freaking hilarious. (And more on that later...)
Of course, after doing all that, Quix confronted Hunter, watched the transformation, and kissed Hunter.
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I can almost guarantee that his line of thought was, "Oh, hey, you're a girl! Sweet! No more questions about my sexuality. (Until I start flirting with Vector or Sanju again.) I totally love you too, Hunter! No, wait, don't die! No!!!!!!"
With that said, I have some significant doubts as to whether Hunter is really dead.
The whole scene just feels...kind of out of place. Less derpy than the f!agent scene (where you can see them desperately trying to get around the no s/s romance thing and failing miserably). But The way it's presented, Hunter basically screws over her entire organization and ends up dying herself because she falls madly in love with you, can't kill you even when she knows she should, and basically leads you right to the Star Cabal where you defeat them. IDK. That I mean, I do think that Hunter cares for you. (The character seems incredibly lonely and mentions this in like 1/3 of conversations.) But self-sacrifice isn't really a theme in agent. And the whole, "I will die for love of you!" seems...just really off in agent, where most characters are pretty Machievellian. So the idea that the villain is all "I am your star crossed lover! I would rather die than kill you!" seems really wrong, thematically.
I have another theory as to what's going on.
If you look at things from Hunter's perspective, working for the Star Cabal isn't all that great. Much as intelligence is perfectly willing to sacrifice you for virtually any reason, the Star Cabal is willing to sacrifice their Enforcer (Hunter's position). The last Enforcer (the Shining Man) is ordered to kill himself - and apparently does so. (Although his tomb is empty, so maybe he's faked his death.) I'm going to assume that Hunter realizes this (seeing as she's close enough to the Shining Man that his last words are "give my love to Hunter". Plus there's one teleconference that Hunter is actually on where they discuss the potential death of their current Enforcer.), and knows that her time is limited. (And even if it's not, she was recruited when she was 11 - hardly enough to decide she wanted to become a mass murderer - and is part of an organization that imprisons people in tanks so that they can endlessly harvest their knowledge.) Possibly she decides to look for a way out.
Somewhere along the line, you come along. You have the backing of the Empire, have already confronted a Sith lord and lived, and seem about as hard to kill as a cockroach. It seems highly plausible that Hunter decides to use you as a way of taking out/distracting the Star Cabal and getting the hell out of there.
If you look at most of his/her interactions with you...they're all over the place. But I think this is deliberate. Hunter is trying to convince the Star Cabal that he/she really *is* trying to kill you/threaten you/scare you away. But, in fact, is leading you to the Star Cabal, while trying also to project an image that she's in love with you (both to explain why she never kills you or hurts you all that badly when she gets the chance to the Star Cabal, but also to hopefully convince you to let her go at the bitter end).
Think of how well this plan (probably) works. If you lose, she gets to tell her masters, "Hey, I was really *trying*. And see, I won. It just took a bit..." If you win, she fakes her death (unless you shoot her point blank - but I'd imagine not many people do this. After all, that whole "let me show you one last thing..." is pretty damned tempting.) and runs off. Even if the Star Cabal find her later, didn't they see? She *tried* to kill you. Even better, she gives you the Black Codex, which can then be used to terrorize/distract the Star Cabal even further (the ending everyone you give it to intends), or possibly be reclaimed from you/Ardun Kothe/the Sith (who supposedly aren't all that interested in non-Force related things). Yeah, there's the possibility you kill her. But also the very good possibility that she can use your interference to fake her own death and either permanently escape, or vanish for a time, then put the Star Cabal back together under her leadership.
This closes a lot of loop holes. (Why Hunter keeps chatting with you all the time, despite that this gives you information. Why Hunter never kills you. Why Hunter abandons his "friends" during the teleconference. Why Hunter doesn't make a run for it/destroy the Black Codex despite that this would be easy to do. Why Hunter is so freaking easy to kill.) And, I think, it also thematically makes more sense. Characters are constantly looking out for themselves, trying to escape evil organizations, and faking their deaths in this story line. Not sure if I'm right, but...makes more sense to me to see the story in that light than in the "tragic star crossed lover who would die for you" light. (Which only really works if you consider Hunter to be really crazy.)
Anyway, Quix doesn't suspect anything as he's naive. And he still has one last important thing to do - to decide what to do with the codex.
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Anyhow, he let Ardun Kothe survive on Quesh. But didn't really want to tell him everything, as he was trying to protect the Star Cabal. But Ardun let him go, anyway, which was kind of him. (And I lol forever at how Ardun Kothe is trying to defend Hunter, seeing as Hunter tried to kill him, too. Seriously, there's something a little odd between the two of them.)
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But despite that I didn't tell Ardun what was going on, he followed me and wanted the codex.
To be honest, I wasn't sure until this conversation what I was going to do. I sort of wanted to see the defector ending. Also, I'm pretty sure that the Empire is evil. But....nothing Ardun said really convinced me that he'd do the right thing with it. The Minister seems if not good, not evil either and fairly practical. Plus, I figure that he and the rest of intelligence need whatever help they can get. And, IDK. My agent really likes Hunter, and Hunter kept implying that he would someday erase himself so...IDK. That seemed right for Quix. So he went ahead and did that, although luckily, he and Ardun seemed to part as friends. Sort of. Well, maybe not as good friends or anything, but the sort of people who probably wouldn't kill each other if they met again.
So, anyhow, that's the ending of poor Quix's game until there's an expansion. (Along with my conspiracy theories.) Any thoughts?