Holy moly! I can't remember what I did with my guy!! I must have given the codex over to Minister because nothing happened to him. I guess I should have FIRST said, I ended the story line with an even number in my light/dark points. Somewhere in internetland I read that they would have goodies for those who went the neutral path, but those have yet to appear! So I must have chosen a lightside response. I remember when it ended, I was like Huh? Is that it?? So you'll have to keep us posted as to what you wound up doing.
In other news, I've gotten my bounty hunter to 42 and am happy to say the story has improved greatly. IMO. I married Torian, which I found to be a bit anti-climactic. I was going to post this somewhere and think I may still, but at one point, I really thought he was bugged. I kept handing over companion gifts and all I ever got back was a "I'll keep it close". WTF!! Show me your gratitude!! His affection was 8500-something and still no action. Until I completed Act II. Then all my companions wanted to talk to me. They may need to tweak the companion affection side of things a bit. My warrior is having the same problem. I don't know.
So, do tell when you make your decision. Must get my second agent in gear soon.
Yeah, I'll probably post again once I'm finished. I'm just torn. I want to see the defector ending. But I'm not sure that my guy would do that. I'm inclined to think that he'd keep the codex and try to protect the remnants of the Star Cabal. (Which the Minister seems sympathetic towards.) But, yeesh, I have no idea.
Also have all kinds of crazy insights about the game via the second time around. (I'm fairly sure that Hunter is actually feeding you a fairly entertaining story, to be frank, as there are a lot of inconsistencies that are resolved if you look at a lot of your interactions differently.) And I'm kind of amused by how badly Ardun Kothe fanboys Hunter...it's hilarious that when you meet him again, even after Hunter has tried to kill him, he's all like, "Well, I worked with Hunter for years and know that he's a good man..." *sigh*
I'm glad BH is getting better. I may try that after my SW. The affection thing is a bit odd. I mean, it makes some sense that until they're done with a certain act, they don't hit certain quests or points or whatever. But it is a bit lulzy to be all, "Oh, they've ignored me for months now...wait, now I'm Ms. Popular?" (Although I find it freaking hilarious that Quinn waited until my SW had been promoted to dark lord before kissing her. Because, yeah, that's so Quinn. Like, "Eh, if she's not important enough, totally not worth risking that she'll bite off my head during mating like Jaesa probably would...but if she's powerful, might be worth it. Even if I die, may get uber-Sith spawn out of it.")
Will probably be posting semi-soon, maybe with videos. (We'll see.)
Torian sent me two gifts! So sweet, lol. But since I'm maxed out with him I gave them to that ingrate, Gault. What a waste! His was reaction was, really? Bugger him anyway.
I've actually found him difficult to figure out when I'm using him and encounter a conversation choice. He's not entirely evil, but he certainly isn't a lightside companion either. I'm thinking I'll just stick to giving him gifts to raise his affection.
As for my SW, I think she's having the same problem. Quinn's affection is in the 8000 and I haven't had a conversation with him in a while. Obviously I'll have to get through Act II to see what happens there as well.
Quinn bugs me, personally. He's so mamby pamy and proper. If any of the companions need a nice sturdy shock collar, it's Quinn. mwahahahaha!
I can't wait for the Cathar to come out. Do you know which side they'll be available to play? I was under the impression they'd be Republic, but we'll have to see.
Awww...that seems sweet of Torian. (Quix has decided that both Kaliyo and Temple are crazy and has avoided them. Which I suspect is part of why he's decided that he's in wuv with Watcher Two, then when she refused to acknowledge that they'd slept together for like two years, promptly decided that Hunter was cooler, anyway. Although Hunter died and then Watcher Two was sort of friendly, so I think he's all confused again.)
Gault sounds rather interesting. I do need to start playing BH again. Someday. *sigh*
Quinn really bothers me. Like you said, he's all polite and proper. But then he approves of some of the evilest things imaginable. (I mean, he likes killing people who've surrendered, after you've told them that you'll leave them alive if they do what you want.) And there's this bootlicking, smarmy quality to him that has me convinced that he really does want to be with my SW only so that he can ride her coattails to glory. He really needs a shock collar. I mean, Vette I eventually let out (mostly because she wasn't giving me any new conversation options, but also because I figured my SW had had her fun.) But I think that Quinn would stay shock collared forever and ever.
I'm excited about Cathar, too!
Hey, you know that Quinn wants Sith spawn. Desperately. Sadly, I'm fairly sure that my psychopath of a Sith wants Force strong spawn. I'm inclined to think that she and Jaesa will eventually hunt down some pureblood Sith that they think is worthy of siring their demonic off spring and mate in some kind of horrible blood fueled menage a trois. But Quinn will probably retaliate by putting sugar pills into my SW's birth control pills so eh. It's all good. That ship has so much dysfunction on it.
Zechs and Kaliyo have a purely work only relationship. Then he sort of went through a mid-life crisis when Temple came on board, then in true manly fashion, decided she only wanted him for his agenty skills and hasn't sealed the deal. As far as I know. He's waiting to see what the m/m love interest will be. Poor guy, looking for love in all the wrong places.
Quinn...I'm not sure about. He brings out the sadistic side of my SW in a big way. I'm thinking my SW reminds him of a leather-daddy he once knew somewhere on a remote outpost somewhere. You know, deep, dark secret life kind of thing.
I re-started my inquisitor with the server transfers. She had been specced as an assassin, but I had a hard time getting the hang of playing her. This time around she's going healer/ranged dps and I'm finding her easier to play. We'll see.
And, one day real soon, I need to get back to my Republic toons. I have a 38/39 smuggler/guardian (I think) that have had all their points refunded a few times over so far. I have to say, I still like Corso. Like Torian, he's a sweetie at heart. My Jedi may also be holding out for the new male companion because he just is not interested in Kira at all.
I think the theme of agent is "looking for love in all the wrong places". Quix luckily seemed to decide that the women on board the Phantom were crazy and ignored them. (Just to kiss Hunter, which seems a bit pot calling kettle black, but whatever.) I think he's pretty cheered that he's now on a first name basis with Watcher Two, though, and that they're supposedly equals now, and that she responded to his flirt. (Which was the weirdest flirt ever. Like, I think he said something like, "Back when you were Keeper, you could have commanded me to do that with your strong, brilliant ways." and she was all like, "I like to think that I'm still strong and brilliant." Which isn't all that flirty to me, but I think Quix finds being ordered around to be sexy, so...yeah. For him, plenty flirty.)
Quinn really does seem to like the pain. I'm convinced that he finds my SW strangling people to be the hottest thing ever. Like...just the way he responds when you're like, "I'll punish them severely" is so freaking creepy. (He just gets this bright eyed expression and is all, "Yes my lord!") But, yeah, you sort of want to shock him because you *know* he wants it, even if he won't quite admit to it. I think you're right that m!SW reminds Quinn of his old leather daddy back at the remote outpost. *sigh* That whole class is so messed up.
I rather like Kira. But, yeah, I'm looking forward to s/s romances. I'm fairly convinced that *none* of my characters like their romance options. (The JC is pining over Zenith, f!agent wants Kaliyo, m!agent would prefer Vector - although honestly, either would probably prefer Hunter, trooper wants Balkar, SW wants Jaesa, smuggler wants Risha, etc.) It's kind of hilarious. Maybe eventually I'll find one who seems to fit with whoever the game has given them. Someday...
Ooo! I agree that m!Agent likes being ordered around. That could be the reason Zechs has a secret thing for SCORPIO. heh
And on a sort of related note with ME3 SPOILER that SCORPIO/m!Agent relationship reminds me of Joker and EDI. I was rolling on the floor when I got to that part of the game. Heeelarious! I'm not very far into that game yet. Partly because I know how the game ends and I'm not in any real hurry for that to happen.
Yeah, I think that m!agent is totally like, "If you could hurt me just a little more, that would be *perfect*. kkthx." This is the only reason I can see him being all over a woman who keeps calling him a "dirty alien" and regularly pretends that she didn't sleep with him. *sigh* And, yeah, there's definitely something going on with SCORPIO. (I died when he was like, "If you come back to your body, I'll show you things that will make it worth your while..." and not only did SCORPIO return, she approved. A lot. What is going on between the two of them?)
Hah hah hah. I love Joker/EDI comparisons. I'm not sure I agree entirely, but there are some moments...
Oh yeah. Then SCORPIO wanted to "monitor" his offspring, or however she put it. Agent is still the best story line so far.
Maybe Joker is a tad less "worldly" than m!Agents but he's a fun character. I must put more time in to that game so I don't come across a spoiler by accident. Which is what's happened so far.
I'm in the very early stages of ME3. I just re-recruited Garrus and the other guy who's name/title elude me at the moment. Joker and EDI have been fun since the very beginning though.
One bad thing, Legion died on the suicide mission. I have a feeling that's going to be bad news further along, but I'll just have to see. Tali bit it as well. I do still have Thane and Jack though. Just haven't re-recruited them to the crew. That's how early in the game I am.
I really haven't had much time to play the last few weeks. Well that's not entirely true. I played The Secret World when it first came out, but I don't really like it. Apparently, I'm not much for sandbox type games and there are a few other aspects of the game that just don't thrill me.
And then my daughter has taken a turn for the worse and I rushed to Florida to be with her for a while. On that note, these games are a good distraction while the heavy stuff is going on.
I'm sorry to hear about the daughter stuff. :( If you want to talk about it, do let me know. Otherwise, I'm happy to distract you. (Distractions are often good!)
Joker and EDI are fun throughout the game. I'm not sure how terrible it is that Legion bit it, but I guess you can post later on it. I think I did my playthrough where everyone survived, which was good.
I'm not a huge fan of sandbox games, either. I will play them a bit, but usually don't quite see the reason to keep playing if there isn't something pulling me along.
I've cleverly changed my icon so you won't be able to tell its me posting a second response to something I've already responded to.
For my second agent I'm thinking I'll have to make a female Sith. Once I unlock that race of course. That way she can be eeevil to the bone and do all the horrible things my other guy only dreamt about. Zechs really did follow his conscious for the most part. I realized about level 30 that he was making enough light/dark choices to keep himself neutral. Then I made the effort to keep him that way. So having someone go totally dark would be interesting. I couldn't do it with my Chiss bounty hunter. I liked her voice and really couldn't go darkside with her.
I had a hard time with darkside on agent, too. It's really a class that should be played neutral or light. (Darkside just feels crazy.) I do sort of want to roll a human, though, and be *evil*. But, yeah, I couldn't do it on Quix. He seemed like such a nice guy.
I know. Under it all, through all the intrigue, he's a nice character. I wish I could write. Someone with talent could really write up that plot bunny. Just not me.
In other news, I've gotten my bounty hunter to 42 and am happy to say the story has improved greatly. IMO. I married Torian, which I found to be a bit anti-climactic. I was going to post this somewhere and think I may still, but at one point, I really thought he was bugged. I kept handing over companion gifts and all I ever got back was a "I'll keep it close". WTF!! Show me your gratitude!! His affection was 8500-something and still no action. Until I completed Act II. Then all my companions wanted to talk to me. They may need to tweak the companion affection side of things a bit. My warrior is having the same problem. I don't know.
So, do tell when you make your decision. Must get my second agent in gear soon.
Also have all kinds of crazy insights about the game via the second time around. (I'm fairly sure that Hunter is actually feeding you a fairly entertaining story, to be frank, as there are a lot of inconsistencies that are resolved if you look at a lot of your interactions differently.) And I'm kind of amused by how badly Ardun Kothe fanboys Hunter...it's hilarious that when you meet him again, even after Hunter has tried to kill him, he's all like, "Well, I worked with Hunter for years and know that he's a good man..." *sigh*
I'm glad BH is getting better. I may try that after my SW. The affection thing is a bit odd. I mean, it makes some sense that until they're done with a certain act, they don't hit certain quests or points or whatever. But it is a bit lulzy to be all, "Oh, they've ignored me for months now...wait, now I'm Ms. Popular?" (Although I find it freaking hilarious that Quinn waited until my SW had been promoted to dark lord before kissing her. Because, yeah, that's so Quinn. Like, "Eh, if she's not important enough, totally not worth risking that she'll bite off my head during mating like Jaesa probably would...but if she's powerful, might be worth it. Even if I die, may get uber-Sith spawn out of it.")
Will probably be posting semi-soon, maybe with videos. (We'll see.)
I've actually found him difficult to figure out when I'm using him and encounter a conversation choice. He's not entirely evil, but he certainly isn't a lightside companion either. I'm thinking I'll just stick to giving him gifts to raise his affection.
As for my SW, I think she's having the same problem. Quinn's affection is in the 8000 and I haven't had a conversation with him in a while. Obviously I'll have to get through Act II to see what happens there as well.
Quinn bugs me, personally. He's so mamby pamy and proper. If any of the companions need a nice sturdy shock collar, it's Quinn. mwahahahaha!
I can't wait for the Cathar to come out. Do you know which side they'll be available to play? I was under the impression they'd be Republic, but we'll have to see.
And tee hee uber-Sith spawn, hahaha. Quite good.
Gault sounds rather interesting. I do need to start playing BH again. Someday. *sigh*
Quinn really bothers me. Like you said, he's all polite and proper. But then he approves of some of the evilest things imaginable. (I mean, he likes killing people who've surrendered, after you've told them that you'll leave them alive if they do what you want.) And there's this bootlicking, smarmy quality to him that has me convinced that he really does want to be with my SW only so that he can ride her coattails to glory. He really needs a shock collar. I mean, Vette I eventually let out (mostly because she wasn't giving me any new conversation options, but also because I figured my SW had had her fun.) But I think that Quinn would stay shock collared forever and ever.
I'm excited about Cathar, too!
Hey, you know that Quinn wants Sith spawn. Desperately. Sadly, I'm fairly sure that my psychopath of a Sith wants Force strong spawn. I'm inclined to think that she and Jaesa will eventually hunt down some pureblood Sith that they think is worthy of siring their demonic off spring and mate in some kind of horrible blood fueled menage a trois. But Quinn will probably retaliate by putting sugar pills into my SW's birth control pills so eh. It's all good. That ship has so much dysfunction on it.
Quinn...I'm not sure about. He brings out the sadistic side of my SW in a big way. I'm thinking my SW reminds him of a leather-daddy he once knew somewhere on a remote outpost somewhere. You know, deep, dark secret life kind of thing.
I re-started my inquisitor with the server transfers. She had been specced as an assassin, but I had a hard time getting the hang of playing her. This time around she's going healer/ranged dps and I'm finding her easier to play. We'll see.
And, one day real soon, I need to get back to my Republic toons. I have a 38/39 smuggler/guardian (I think) that have had all their points refunded a few times over so far. I have to say, I still like Corso. Like Torian, he's a sweetie at heart. My Jedi may also be holding out for the new male companion because he just is not interested in Kira at all.
So many companions to romance. So little time.
Quinn really does seem to like the pain. I'm convinced that he finds my SW strangling people to be the hottest thing ever. Like...just the way he responds when you're like, "I'll punish them severely" is so freaking creepy. (He just gets this bright eyed expression and is all, "Yes my lord!") But, yeah, you sort of want to shock him because you *know* he wants it, even if he won't quite admit to it. I think you're right that m!SW reminds Quinn of his old leather daddy back at the remote outpost. *sigh* That whole class is so messed up.
I rather like Kira. But, yeah, I'm looking forward to s/s romances. I'm fairly convinced that *none* of my characters like their romance options. (The JC is pining over Zenith, f!agent wants Kaliyo, m!agent would prefer Vector - although honestly, either would probably prefer Hunter, trooper wants Balkar, SW wants Jaesa, smuggler wants Risha, etc.) It's kind of hilarious. Maybe eventually I'll find one who seems to fit with whoever the game has given them. Someday...
And on a sort of related note with ME3 SPOILER that SCORPIO/m!Agent relationship reminds me of Joker and EDI. I was rolling on the floor when I got to that part of the game. Heeelarious! I'm not very far into that game yet. Partly because I know how the game ends and I'm not in any real hurry for that to happen.
Hah hah hah. I love Joker/EDI comparisons. I'm not sure I agree entirely, but there are some moments...
Maybe Joker is a tad less "worldly" than m!Agents but he's a fun character. I must put more time in to that game so I don't come across a spoiler by accident. Which is what's happened so far.
Joker is pretty entertaining. The relationship did come off fairly different to me, but I do like Joker and EDI.
One bad thing, Legion died on the suicide mission. I have a feeling that's going to be bad news further along, but I'll just have to see. Tali bit it as well. I do still have Thane and Jack though. Just haven't re-recruited them to the crew. That's how early in the game I am.
I really haven't had much time to play the last few weeks. Well that's not entirely true. I played The Secret World when it first came out, but I don't really like it. Apparently, I'm not much for sandbox type games and there are a few other aspects of the game that just don't thrill me.
And then my daughter has taken a turn for the worse and I rushed to Florida to be with her for a while. On that note, these games are a good distraction while the heavy stuff is going on.
Sorry for the morbid turn there.
Joker and EDI are fun throughout the game. I'm not sure how terrible it is that Legion bit it, but I guess you can post later on it. I think I did my playthrough where everyone survived, which was good.
I'm not a huge fan of sandbox games, either. I will play them a bit, but usually don't quite see the reason to keep playing if there isn't something pulling me along.
For my second agent I'm thinking I'll have to make a female Sith. Once I unlock that race of course. That way she can be eeevil to the bone and do all the horrible things my other guy only dreamt about. Zechs really did follow his conscious for the most part. I realized about level 30 that he was making enough light/dark choices to keep himself neutral. Then I made the effort to keep him that way. So having someone go totally dark would be interesting. I couldn't do it with my Chiss bounty hunter. I liked her voice and really couldn't go darkside with her.
I had a hard time with darkside on agent, too. It's really a class that should be played neutral or light. (Darkside just feels crazy.) I do sort of want to roll a human, though, and be *evil*. But, yeah, I couldn't do it on Quix. He seemed like such a nice guy.
Which plot bunny are you referring to?
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