Can I Cut Away All This Pain?

Jun 27, 2005 23:09

I feel so fat. So god damned fat. It makes me so disgusted with myself. Even more. How did I become this way? I never use to be this huge. In my eyes. To you all. I'm probably just fine. But to me. I'm an over weight fuck. Even if I hardly eat. But that's not my fault. It's my parentals. They. Never feed me.

Never buy. Food that I can eat. Never. Stupid assholes. Fucking starve me. Starve me. What am I saying? Just goes to show how fat. My inner self is. A fucking huge whore. Just stuff. Your face in. Till you could burst. How fucking disgusting.

Just gorge. On the impaled skin. That I cut away. Perhaps. Then you'd be satisfied. And ask for more...

It all makes me. Want to carve. My flesh away. Make me skinnier. Make me prettier. I'm tired of looking. At myself. In loathing. In a thousand more ways then one. Why am I such a freak? Why can't I have the weight I desire? Why can't I just cut. It all. Away? Oh how I wish. That I could.

Why is it. That with what. I barely eat. I still am fat? So fucking fat?

It makes me. So. Sick.

Just cut it away. Cut it all. Away.

If only that were possible...

It's what I get.

When parentals. Call me names. My fucked up. Diluted self. Sees. Sees in the mirror.

A loser. A whore. A moron. An idiot. A worthless person. A stupid daughter. A hopeless being... A fat person. Fat. Fat. Freak. Worthless. Idiot. Moron. Unloved child. Who cares. What happens to you? No one does. Why should they. "You weren't ment. To be born. You were a mistake." Mistake. Fat mistake. "Should have put you up. For adoption. Should have gotten. An abortion. Should have never. Had you." Fat. Worthless. Loser. Retard. Mistake. Mistake. Loner. "You ruined my life. Ruined it. Never should have. Had you. You fucking. Worthless. Slob. Just look at you. You filthy being." Mistake. Loser. Moron. Idiot. Worthless. Worthless. Mistake. Fat. Hopless. Mistake. Slut. Whore. Hate. Hate. Slob. Freak. Loner. Loser. Retard. Fat. Mistake.

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