i feel like i'm spinning. i feel like everyone likes me! i feel like i'm going to be okay with everyone liking me. i'm probably about to fuck something up.
everytime the same thing. damn i'm fucking stupid.
Against Me! makes me have to peeeee! i love them so much! i love life so much....the only reason i would ever be a complete and total loser and update this on a regular basis and pretend that someone out there really cared about what i was doing is...........if some how i got to take a laptop to jail....yeah!
motion sickness pills. tripping. staying at ramsey's house all week. my fucking wet funnel cake. goddamn bandit barking. andrewpina's house. andrewpina's dorm. petsmart. michael's. THE FOOTBALL FIELD. smoking bowls. ramsey talking to himself. P.M.'s.
this is a list of all i can remember since the last time i updated...haha.
check me out! it's my birthday today! hopefully i get loads of monies! niggers suck. erin derrick doesn't. i suck....YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!
okay my journal is going friends only again...add me or comment and i'll add you...man i got some e-lurkers i gotta get the fuck out...they are bout to get run the fuck ova.