The Angel of Music is Stuck in my Head

Feb 27, 2006 18:16

Ahcccck! Why am I so bad? Hmm? Please? I'd like to know how any of you who read this put up with my lack of journal postage! I think I will go iron my hands and put on some embarrassing clothing to punish my bad, bad self.

*Puts on dreadfully embarrassing clothing and is not quite embarrassed considering I am only in front of my cats--*

I hate to interrupt this star-ly moment but I must say my cats are quite judgmental. In fact, it reminds me in some ways of American Idol.....
*dreamlike sequence ensues*

American Idol....... (No, not carrot but...) Cat Edition!!!!!!!!

*Quickly exits dream sequence.*

Enough of that. Ready for a very short telling of my life as to where I left off? Good! I forgot to tell you all! Last Friday was my birthday and I never posted! But there is good reason for that! Our power was out... on my birthday... and I had to have a party in the DARKDARKDARK D-A-R-K D-A-R-K DARKDARKDARK! It was incredibly dim. But it was much fun and the next day my mom, Josh, and I went to Jay Peak and skied because it is fun. (Will post pics of our exciting vaca lataaaar.)
On Friday, not with the help of certain family members *cough*, we went to see When A Stranger Calls. It was pretty good with he exception of heavy breathing and being relatively short and not nearly enough originality. And the girl who played the lead was the girl from the freaking Disney Channel! WTF!

But then, IT HAPPENED. 'What?' you may ask in a scared voice because you think I'm going to scare you but I'm really not...(some more dots)... I SAW TEH PHANTOM OF THE OPERA!!!!!!!!!!! And let me tell you it was CRAZIEST EVARAREREARF! Except for Meg. She was not so crazy. I bought a Prima Donna shirt and phantom pin and muchly other good things that I don't have time to write about. Let's just say I missed Masquerade, the bathroom lines were so long I cried, and I saw some old people I knew.

Too tired to keep writing-have to work on homework-have to work out-have to shower-have to get up early for flipping select chorus and give a preppy girl a late valentine because it is required of the select chorus members- die of humiliation. But what's new? I die of humiliation every day!

And btw, Katie looked ver nice with her black jacket and glasses and such. Intellectual-ness is very in. And her newly-died hair was also a nice touch. Simon gives her a 10!

And btww, I promise to go into detail on my Phantom experience as soon as I can because I have much to share with you all!
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