Dec 31, 2005 17:11
WEll, it seems as if Morgan has deleted the comments I made on her LJ about my mother. She was posting about her (as in my mother) on another website and was telling a story (Ok, it wasn't really a story but more like a brief telling.. Oh man! The briefest longest..!) about my mother that wasn't exactly all true. When I commented on her LJ about it, it seems I said something to make her take my comments off? Um, why exactly? I was just telling her what really happened.
Anyway, I hope there are no hurt feelings Morgan and I hope I didn't make you feel, I don't know, like I was confronting you or something. I just don't appreciate the stretching of stories when they're about something as serious as someone's paranormal experiences (which are not exactly taken seriously these days and I can see why *hintidy-hint*). It also frustrates me when these untruthful stories include MY mother and how she "seems to be attracting strange things and how she should open herself up to.." ah, whatever. And let's not try to force false maturity on strangers now.
Goodnight. My mother and I thank you.