Sep 26, 2008 21:04

so this is a purely shallow list unlike some people on the western guys list.
this isn't really a list of my top ten females in regards to their importance to me, just...I THINK THEY'RE PRETTY/HOT/WHATEVER.
(some of them fit the 'importance' though.)
and this is is like, east + west since i can't fill a whole list of all western actresses, haha.

top ten

10. 張力尹 (zhang liyin) → chinese solo artist
she's not your typical drop-dead gorgeous, but there's something about her that's realy serene and graceful and just...beautiful, i guess. i've finally listened to her album and i'm a fan now! i really like her voice; it's not your typical shrilly female wailing. she's so mature for her age, though. o__o god, SM found some good talent here. she's amazing ♥

09. cate blanchett → australian actress;
famous role(s): galadriel (lord of the rings), elizabeth i (elizabeth films)
same goes for her. she's one of the older women i have on this list, but she's still stunning. i think she's a goddess. yay. she was absolutely perfect as galadriel in LOTR, ethereal and all that junk. i told you LOTR-love goes a long way and that's true for her too. :)

08. catherine zeta-jones → british actress; famous role: a lot
she's lovely, really she is. i have nothing to say here, to tell the truth...but i've always been freaked out by how pretty she is! she does not look her age, either. she's only a few months younger than cate blanchett. umm, she could've done way better than michael douglas, honestly. >__>;;;

05. 小雪 (koyuki) → japanese actress; famous role: taka (the last samurai)
since the last samurai i have felt this strange sort of fondness towards her. she's a little bit on the plain side, sure, but i think she can be described as the classic japanese beauty without being slutty. i got really excited watching kimi wa petto because she and matsumoto jun have this way believable chemistry (i think he's just like that with all his female cohosts though) and i don't know what i'm saying anymore.

07. 미료 (miryo) → korean idol; brown-eyed girls → rapper korean groups i like the rappers. this happens to me often. i barely know what miryo looks like, and she's not drop-dead gorgeous or uber sexy, BUT HER VOICE IS HOT. and i tend to like people based on how HOT their voices sound. she's probably one of the best rappers to come out of the idol groups, and that's saying a lot!

06. 김유빈 (kim yoobin) → korean idol; wonder girls → rapper
see previous. miryo's not as hot as yoobin, imho. yoobin, to me, like oozes sex. haha. it's harder to find clear pictures of her being all ~sex bomb~ ish but believe me, she can. like, every time they give her the shortest skirts to wear. rofl. do i sound perverted here? HAHA. besides that yoobin is a surprisingly good female rapper too. ALSO: HER VOICE IS HOT. teehee.

04. parminder nagra → british-indian actress;
famous role(s): jess (bend it like beckham), dr. neela rasgotra (e.r.)
so if you really know me, you know i have this stupid fetish for indians. i also love accents. and indian women happen to be some of the most gorgeous women to walk this planet. (although i am biased, yes.) so indian people with british accents...killer. whenever i would randomly watch e.r. on tv i would be like...woah, i like this chick. obviously there are prettier indian women out there, but she's the one i squee over. hee.

03. zooey deschanel → american actress;
famous role(s): jovie (elf), trillian (hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy)
i have no idea why i adore her so much, or what made me adore her so much. it has nothing to do with the two movies i mentioned. i honestly have no idea. but anyway, she's gorgeous, and i absolutely adore her eye color + hair color combination (light eyes with dark hair is just so sd;lfjkldfgdfg for me, do understand). idk i guess you could just call it idol worship for me. what i really hate is how that fake bitch katy perry looks a lot like her now. IT SUCKS. zooey is the original beauty! bah.

02. 최수영 (choi sooyoung) → korean idol; sonyeoshidae (girls generation)
the sad thing here is that i became a fan of hers because of her dealings with a super junior member...but nonetheless i think she's one of the prettier girls of the nine in her group. not as much plastic surgery as the rest, maybe not as pretty as other korean actresses, but still. girl makes a good model because she's tall with amazingly long legs, and OMG SHE'S SO PRETTY. modeling is for her (maybe more than singing and dancing...but she is in sm entertainment, after all). and she's better than yoona. SO THERE.

01. 土屋 アンナ (tsuchiya anna) → japanese solo artist and actress and model;
famous role(s): ichigo (shimotsuma monogatari), kiyoha (sakuran)
i adore this woman so much, wtf. you wouldn't really expect it of me because she's considered something of a bad girl, and she had a kid when she was not much older than us and such, but i adore her something fierce. i'm not always a fan of her music, but she rocks. literally. ...whoops, this was supposed to be solely about looks. sorry. most of the time she looks great, but sometimes she looks a little goofy, i have to say. i love her ~exotic~ russian-japanese mix though, because when she does look hot she brings it. (like in this picture.)

Last Updated: October 16, 2008.

i love making lists wtf, always open, fangirling is fun

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