Title: Clearing the Board (2/2) Author: MustInvestigate Disclaimer: I only own action figures Rating: R for sex and violence Pairing: F!Courier/Benny Summary: Sequel to Incoming/Outgoing: Grabbing the King Fink crown of Rat Mountain...for a big-leaguer like Benny, how hard could it be?
Title: Clearing the Board (1/2) Author: MustInvestigate Disclaimer: I only own action figures Rating: R for sex and violence Pairing: F!Courier/Benny Summary: Sequel to Incoming/Outgoing: Grabbing the King Fink crown of Rat Mountain...for a big-leaguer like Benny, how hard could it be?
Title: Moonlight Miles: Primm Author: MustInvestigate Disclaimer: I only own action figures Rating: PG Character(s)/Pairing: none Warning(s): none Summary: A bit of backstory for the Incoming/Outgoing F!Courier.
Title: Moonlight Miles: Goodsprings Author: MustInvestigate Disclaimer: I only own action figures Rating: PG Character(s)/Pairing: none Warning(s): none Summary: A bit of backstory for the Incoming/Outgoing F!Courier.
Sure, it looks like a super-sweet crash pad in that artist's rendering, but you and I know the reality is going to be dingy rusted corridors, one bed per family, and a single diner with three booths. And maybe a panther.