
Feb 16, 2005 13:47

Hope everyone had a good valentines day. I did.

I'm sick of people telling me they want something then not following through. I'm tired of everyone else deciding what's best for me. Everyone else decides when I eat, sleep, pee. And now I have nothing. No free will. No women. No money.

Time is not on my side any more. It's now the only thing standing between me and what I really want.

Explaining the events of the past month and a half would really clear up what all i'm talking about. But I don't have time to write it all out. But when I'm smokin' sometime. And in the story mood. I will write the story out. The relationship I had with her was the most movie like relationship I have ever had. It didn't matter what we did to try and see eachother something would happen that was completely out of our control and would delay us for days even to the span of a week from seeing each other. I know that doesn't seem like such a big deal...But i only live about 20 miles from her and could drive their easily. But responsibiliy sucks. And unfortunately we are both very responsible people who have alot of things to do that fill up most of our time. Which means that no matter what either one of us want, we can't have it.

It's depressing to think that the last time you kiss your girlfriend, touch her hand, or carress her face, is on the one day of the year where everyone with someone is happy but you.

I have a show on friday with Donnie. 45 minute set opening for this pretty well known keyboardist guy from the area. So i'll just use this emotion to belt out some phat liqs.

I also might have a show in Atlanta, Georgia next month. We'll see how that goes.


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