Five Acts: Round Five

Oct 14, 2011 23:28

(yeah, this banner isn't in the current banner entry... I made it for the last round)

+ Post a list of your five favorite acts/kinks to read about. Check out this list if you need some inspiration. At the bottom of your post, add what fandoms/pairings you're interested in.
+ Read other people's lists; the master list of lists is here.
+ Post comment-fic based off of other people's interests.

1) Emotional themes (angst; darkfic; psychological trauma; broken characters; guilt and shame; sadness and grief;  nightmares; loneliness; suicide)
2) Science and Fiction (Physics references, paradoxes, time travel, Butterfly Effect, parallel universes, AUs)
3) Insanity (involuntary or false committal; characters appearing insane when their beliefs or fears are real; sedation and restraints; asylums; dementia; therapy)
4) Love and passion (falling in love; love at first sight; one true love; eternal love; unconditional love; star-crossed lovers; tempestuous passions)
5) Worry (one character worrying anxiously about another; going crazy with worry)

Lost: Daniel/Charlotte, Juliet/Daniel/Charlotte, Frank/Sun, Emma/Man in Black, Jin/Miles, Clementine/Charlie Hume, Miles/Naomi, Jack/Eloise, Danielle Rousseau (gen fic), Bonnie/Greta
Fatal Frame: Ayako (gen), Yae/Ryozo, You/Sakuya, Kei/Miku, Mio/Mayu, Kyouka/Akito, Choushiro/Tsubaki Ton
Trigun/Trigun Maximum: Wolfwood/Milly, Livio/Chronica, Midvalley/Dominique, Chronica/Domina, Legato (gen)
Harry Potter: Neville/Hannah, Padma/Seamus, Ginny/Luna, Rowena/Helga, Marietta/Cho
Naruto: Kankuro/Ino, Ino/Everyone (except any member of the Uchiha clan, Naruto or Lee), Lee/Sakura, Juugo/KarinSkins: Sid/Cassie, JJ/Emily, Tony/Effy
Inglorious Basterds: Fredrick/Shosanna
The Big Bang Theory: Howard/Bernadette, Amy/Sheldon

five acts, guess who

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