Title: Autumn Leaves
Characters/Pairings: Daniel/Charlotte
Summary: Daniel tries again.
Spoilers/Warnings: AU for S5.
Disclaimer: I don’t own LOST.
A/N: Written for
valhalla37 at
lost_in_108's summer fic exchange, prompt redo (and Massachusetts if you squint). Girl, I know you deserve more than this (and I still owe you the cottage drabble).
He thinks of red and blue when the bomb hits the ground, memories and hopes fading in along with the nuclear weapon.
(She smiles, she dies, she waves at him)
“We are the variables, we have free will” - he thinks, letting his mind go blank as the explosion takes his life (maybe to another one, maybe to the beginning) - “I can hear the melody”
He sees an orange sky above the river, leaves slowly falling into the water, the soft lips of a woman forming a smile on her face.
“Where are we?”
“This is our home, Dan” - music surges from her voice - “Don’t you remember?”
( It worked )