Oct 26, 2008 19:58

Freaking out here. I just spent 3 hrs with my lap top, it has a virus or something. It tells me there is spy ware and something else. Things keep opening. I finally got it to calm down for a min and searched for an anti virus. I downloaded and it found errors, then to get rid of them you have to buy. Right now I'm just irritated. I need to know if I can take stuff off with out the virus being attached. I need to get my book and all my photos off. If I go buy an anti virus, what is a good one? And will it make those files safe to put on the other computer? I haven't used my lap top in months so I can't remember what I opened or downloaded to get this virus, but I think it was that thing to make the computer faster. Maybe you see the commercials. Cause while I was trying to fix errors all the pop ups seemed related to that. I guess my issues are:

Can I take files off and put them on another computer safely?
What is a good anti virus?
Will that save all my files?
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