Stories I've Never Written

Sep 18, 2009 22:46

This was going around a couple weeks ago and sounded fun. I spent time today trying to come up with stories some of my friends had never written and enjoyed it so much, I thought I'd give it a try. Besides, my muse could use the jump start.

Give me the title of a story I've never written, and feedback telling me what you liked best about it, and ( Read more... )

fanfic, memes, writing

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Comments 41

rodlox September 19 2009, 07:38:31 UTC
Too Deep, is one that I keep stored in my LJ's Memories because of how many heartstrings it touches. Yeah, it starts out with one head bowed low from forced retirement and another subjected to a mandatory vacation - but it grows into the finest Amita/Kimball fic I've ever read.

And the subplots were enjoyable as well....I still think that the reason why Patrick didn't torment Charlie as much as possible, is because Jane was enjoying watching the budding couple.

(and I'm sorry for expressing such surprise - and disbelief - for how Callie's in the story, while Colby's inclined more towards Van was a great subplot, but it disoriented some of us)
and it may've been a throwaway line, but is Don seriously dating Alice in that storyverse?

anything you can tell us/me about this, is great!


mustangcandi September 23 2009, 16:04:52 UTC
The first sentence: His gaze stretched across the serene lake in front of him, looking without seeing as his mind wandered over the possibilities of what he would do now... what he could do now.

The last sentence: In her eyes, he found his hope for a future.

The thing that made me want to write this: I was really interested in doing another Mentalist/Numb3rs cross-over and I dared myself to write Cho because he's a man of few words and as such, he's a little evasive.

The biggest problem I had while writing this: Callie was not amused that Colby was more interested in the other ferocious red head in the office and she fought me tooth and nail every time Van Pelt or Colby was mentioned.

This almost never got posted: This was unlike anything I'd ever written - a crossover, characters I've never written (Cho, Alice, Amita), and a hodge podge of pairings that didn't include Colby/Callie. I was afraid it wasn't any good, but I posted it anyway. I'm glad I did.

The one scene that hit the cutting room floor I wish I could have ( ... )


and in case I didn't say it enough before, I loved this story! rodlox September 24 2009, 02:12:33 UTC
I'm perfectly willing to accept the blame for you writing such poetry.

I hope you post the Don/Alice scene, even just on its own....what should I bribe you with to post it?
(by the time you get to posting icons of "Trouble in Chinatown", we're going to need so many Alice/other icons...) ;)

>The biggest problem I had while writing this: Callie was not amused that Colby was more interested in the other ferocious red head in the office and she fought me tooth and nail every time Van Pelt or Colby was mentioned.
This explains why the Villain seemed so much like me. what's the word for writing self-insertion fic that actually inserts someone else? ;)
seriously, though, I'm flattered. and has Callie recieved the cakes and pies I mailed her?


rodlox November 17 2009, 14:41:56 UTC
though if I'm taking the blame, can we see a drabble of that quiet Alice/Don?

(or not; its okay)


I would give you this... magisterequitum September 23 2009, 16:56:25 UTC
Holding On damn near tore me apart.

I mean we all know that a sniper's job is dangerous, but it just becomes so much more of a reality when bad things actually do happen. And when Ian was shot and injured, and the way Nikki had to deal, it just was fantastic. That Nikki went through a transformation with her relationship, figuring out just how much he meant to her. Yeah... One of the best you've ever done.


Re: I would give you this... mustangcandi September 30 2009, 15:20:53 UTC
The first sentence: Fingers that had danced over her skin with warmth and grace were now cold and still as she clutched his hand in hers.

The last sentence: "I love you."

The thing that made me want to write this: It's Ian/Nikki, but a side of Ian/Nikki I had yet to explore. I wanted to really dig deeper into the connection between the two of them and let them both admit that this was more than a casual fling. Plus, I'm not much for whump! but I'm all about possibility these days. Poor Ian. *pets his hair* *backs away slowly from the death glare from Nikki*

The biggest problem I had while writing this: *sighs* It's Ian/Nikki... without porn. I didn't how to handle that.

This almost never got posted: I am so used to Ian/Nikki being flirty and sassy, sexy and casual that I was just certain I'd ruined every thing with "I love you." Every thing will be different with them after that... and that scared the hell out of me. So, I almost didn't share. But under threat from a couple people *cough*you know who you are*cough*, I ( ... )


Re: I would give you this... magisterequitum September 30 2009, 16:50:57 UTC

Now I really want to see this!


Re: I would give you this... mustangcandi September 30 2009, 16:53:40 UTC
After filling it out, I do too! haha.

*is trying to seriously consider it*

I need something to distract me from extractions, reactions, chemicals, lather, rinse, repeat today. LOL.


rodlox November 17 2009, 14:39:32 UTC
I just came across this fic, and I'm upset I hadn't seen it before -- Haole are people.

When Liz said she'd lost a kid, I know I'd contemplated a fic in a universe where she hadn't lost the kid...but you actually did something with the idea.

and after reading those quiet and quietly hot Amita/Liz scenes, my shower broke. (broke, quit, retired - it did something) ;)

I liked the human elements, like how Don asked Liz for her advice, since he liked Alice *and* Emily, what she suggests.

One thing I wondered - at the start of the fic, Liz mentions she was just in a conference with Agent Cho. Did you mean Kimball Cho?

but anything you want to say about Haole are people, please do.


Re: Haole are People mustangcandi November 17 2009, 16:31:42 UTC
The first sentence: She watched him sleeping and fought back tears, remembering the case… a mother’s loss… what might have been.

The last sentence: She owed her so much and would have said so, but Amita’s full lips pressing hers drown out the words while those talented fingertips gliding over the bare skin of her breast erased all other thoughts from her mind.

The thing that made me want to write this: I’d never written femmeslash before… so I figured, why not Amita/Liz? If for no other reason, that is a whole LOT of beautiful for one pairing.

The biggest problem I had while writing this: David wanted to be the love of Liz’s life. He wanted to be the man who helped her raise her son, to be the man to teach him how to play ball and how to laugh and how to be a man… a good man. But he conceded that Liz and Amita would do just as good a job and he considered himself lucky to at least be a part of her life and her son’s as well. (Let’s also mention the fact that having a visual of Amita/Liz permanently embedded in his brain gave ( ... )


re: People are people rodlox November 17 2009, 16:38:46 UTC
even piecemeal, I still adore this story. (and I don't say that for many slash/femmeslash fics - only those I feel deserve it)

"Unca David!"

>Don chose Emily.
good choice.

(I don't envy him having to decide; Liz probably told him - off-page - if he was feeling religious, "No Don, you can't be like the Patriarchs") ;)

Don/Cho? bad muse! give Mustangcandi time to recover from the Liz/Amita first ;)


Re: People are people mustangcandi November 17 2009, 18:06:01 UTC
"Unca David!"

AAAAAAAAAH! *flails* OMG. That's adorable!

Don/Cho? Hmmmmm... that's an interesting idea. I always pictured Cho as more Colby's type. LOL. But then again, maybe that's just me wanting the best of both worlds... Cho/Candi/Colby. That's my kind of sandwich. BWAHAHAHAHAHA.

OMG. Clearly I need to be getting some work done. The lack of productivity has rotted my brain.


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