Micro-managing myself

Oct 25, 2008 00:01

  • 07:50 @ D_wayne Says the MGD fanboy :-P #
  • 07:57 Good Lord I am still tired today... #
  • 08:13 @ RenoDiscGolf How on earth will you defend your nation against the turrrists?! #
  • 09:45 @ A_delle What are you thinking?I have to canvass in downtown, and I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you yet! #
  • 09:57 @ powerk My younger sister works there; their health insurance unequivocally rejects coverage for birth control, I am *never* giving them $. #
  • 10:13 @ laurenlemon He is a Very. Important. Person. And a Very. Busy. Man. LoL some people, I swear... #
  • 12:13 TIME FOR LUNCH, what to do, what to eat, anyone up for food? #
  • 12:32 Elect and Happy Hockey Mom? tinyurl.com/5rrvpq #
  • 12:41 Mexican for lunch...? #
  • 13:10 Super burrito for lunch! Hooray, hungry, & haven't have "junk" all week. #
  • 13:25 Officially been waiting at same light for longer than it took to process my order & make my burrito- Civil Engineer fail. #
  • 14:17 @ RenoPassport Way to act like a Govvy- always passing the buck ;-) #
  • 14:41 @ baldob I bought a house and pay taxes :-P LoL I'm going to have to give beer a try next time I see you. #
  • 14:56 @ Dan_imal mail bomb? #
  • 14:58 @ Swamp_Daddy What is that? #
  • 16:07 Heheh, tricky Twitter! Nearly tweeted to complain about a friend ruing his gift, forgetting he had a twitter, but I caught myself. #
  • 19:06 Planning a welcome home dinner for a friend to invite family, friends, and co-workers to- looking big, inexpensive, and Pasta/Pizza... recs? #
  • 22:19 fuck me I need a drink. #
  • 22:29 heh, my breasts broght their A game tonight... forgot how busty I was & whipped of work shirt. #
  • 22:50 now sitting in Bully's looking far sexier than I should in a tank top & sports bra & enjoying a New Castle that my friend bought. #
  • 23:35 Gym, canvassing, work, friend retrieved, beer consumed, friend delivered. Now for meds, bed, & lather rinse repeat for Saturday. #
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