So, my life...

Oct 24, 2008 21:27

So, I'm a staffer/GOTV Organizer/Intern, WHATEVER for the Barack Obama campaign.  That might explain why I've been off of the grid for WEEKS.  Plus I'm going to the gym 5 days a week and suck, and still working at the gym on weekend nights.

Right now I'm just fucking stoked to see my bestfriend Dwayne, who's been gone for months.  He's coming home in some 40 days, and I think I might have a small heart attack before then.  People have been asking me what we're doing for his coming home party, rather than ask him, which irked him a lot, because it's not like I'm his fucking filter, they're just as capable as I am of sending him an email... But of course none of them did- so I'm now planning a big party at a part or restaurant for friends, family, buddies, and co-workers for the weekend before Christmas of all times. LoL Oh well, it's nice to be so important and loved, so shouldn't complain.

Um... got a new job which starts the day after the election, so I'm quitting the gym, and purchasing an actual membership, and should finally rejoin the ranks of the living and social! GO me!    I'm so excited, and it is nearly the same pay as I was making before.  Boreal is also opening soon, and I've been rehired, so I'm so stoked on that.  I'll have a regular 8-5 job, my evenings back, and then weekends I'll be tearing up the slopes (in between picking up fat tourists!)  I could not be more excited, considering the virtual raping I received by 2008 so far this year... I'm still a little gun-shy over it all.

Russ is going out of town on Sunday-Friday, so I have to be home to do all the shit he's been taking care of during my time with the campaign- taking the dogs out, taking the trash out, cleaning the cat boxes, etc.  Things I normally have no problem taking over, but with how everything is ramping up for the final week, it feels a little overwhelming.  Plus, I'm going to have a staffer from Chicago living in my house the 31-5, PLUS my house/living room will be a staging area for the finals days of the campaign, so I have to clean house MAJORLY and get the room ready, etc.  Oh yeah, I'm working at 4:30am on Monday at the gym to cover a shift too. I kick ass.  Because I will get it all done.  I always do.  That's why people come to me, because I make shit happen.

Yeah- probably not all and not adequate after MONTHS of not updating, but seriously, I can't even wrap my brains around the internet right now.  Oh yeah...

my article came out in the October issue of the Reno Passport, and I'll have another feature in the November issue.  Consider myself PIMPED!

barack obama, work, dwayne/iraq, good news, dorkiness, dwayne, irony, boreal, only in nevada, russ, my life, politics, friends, writing, activism, weightloss, skiing, awesomeness

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