What sound does a drama-llama make?

Nov 20, 2007 15:02

Man, I am so freaking annoying lately. I've been a whiny drama-llama (haha, love hanging around with younger kids!) and I'm seriously sick of it! I'm not beloved, or cherished above all- I'm the same decaying organic matter as everyone else- and I need to get the hell over myself. WTF people, how'd anyone put up with me? I'm irritated to all hell with myself, bah! Somebody should have smacked me a couple of weeks ago. People have rough spots and problems all the time, and I need to just cram my mewling, simpering comments and move on with life. I have a very good friend who's been working on me to change my attitude and knock some sense into me- too bad I'm just now realizing it- this friend has been telling me for months "your perception is your reality". Thanks. I owe you, because you were right, and you've been right all along. I'm only slighted or affected if I allow myself to be. I'm not responsible for everyone else, I can only be responsible for myself. Too bad I'm such a slow learner, but hey, at least I learn. Onward to freedom!

weirdness, rant

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