I don't often pick up my "Injustice" banner and wave it around. I mean, we live in an imperfect world and most of us recognize that. BUT this makes me angry. This is a prime examply of a government getting to big for its britches, of a government NOT for the people nor BY the people.
Red Tape Atrocity This family broke no laws, did nothing wrong. They followed all the rules! Furthermore, they are productive and, I'm certain, would gladly pay taxes to stay here. They are capable and intelligent and hold degrees in thier chosen fields. I thought that this was why we were here. To take in those others who are rejected by their own. (for examples open up a US History book)
As an author once noted, "Nothing works well with politics, but without politics, nothing works at all." Given that, I know a lot of you 'crusade' (for lack of a better word) more than I do. What in the world can we do?