Feeling rather lonesome at the moment. I should be sleeping, but I didn't want to before and I couldn't when I tried. I suppose I'll just caffeinate myself at work. I get to work an extra hour at tonight due to daylight savings. Everyone else gets an extra hour of sleep. Lovely.
Thinking about moving again. Well, really, I've been thinking about it for a few months, but it's just been one of those things you think about and never really do. I think it's feasible at this point in time, however. It's not that I don't like my house mates, I think I just want to live by myself. That and I also want a place in the city - that's been something I've wanted for a few years now in fact, and now that I'm earning more, I think it's closer to reality.
Had a few drinks the other night. I didn't have very many, but it reminded me that I haven't gotten myself utterly smashed in a while. Perhaps that's a good thing. I don't think I'd like to get smashed on a Saturday night, spend a hot Sunday hung over and wasteful, and then go back to work. That's be like blowing my weekend's brains out.
But I think I'd like to experience that again.
Right now, though, I can't turn to the drink since I have to be sober to turn up to work (not to mention drive there), and all I really want more is just a hug. Hey. Just chin up and keep on smiling.
Meanwhile, I think I should do this on my lunch break:
http://www.freehugscampaign.org/ [I'll post something a little more meaningful some day...]