Augh, February is here already? I better do a round-up post before it's suddenly March. D8 So let's see, what's new...
I am updating my
art blog again! Trying to update once a week for now, and since I finished the APCC prize, hopefully I can finish more of my other straggling projects. I've also been kind of thinking about trying to do commissions, but... I feel like I need more details on how it all works. And maybe also learn how to finish things faster. :x
I've occasionally been working on the second draft of my NaNo story. Well, it's more like writing the plot scenes that weren't in the first draft, so it's more like a 1.5 draft. It's going well; I think I'm getting a better grip on the under-workings. But it also seems like much of the first draft scenes will be heavily changed or dropped altogether, so I'm back at the "I have no idea where this story is going" square. But that's alright.
I saw The Green Hornet movie today! This movie is so ridiculous, omg. <3
I love how insecure the criminal leader guy was, it was very refreshing. xD And Britt was such a schmuck, oh my gosh. Hilarious, but oh my gosh. I clapped when Lenore threatened him with a sexual harassment lawsuit. xD She was pretty cool, and I lovelovelove that she ended up being the mastermind behind the Green Hornet's plans. xDD And Kato, so freaking awesome. <3 Overall, I really liked Britt and Kato's duo-ness, and their criminal heroics was a surprising twist. (or at least was to me; I'm unfamiliar with The Green Hornet history and apparently didn't pay close attention to the trailers). Snazzy uniforms too, much better than the usual colorful superhero affair. I really hope there will be a sequel, I'd love to see what crazy adventures the trio would get into next. xD
I have two new favorite cartoons, and they are Adventure Time and Young Justice.
Adventure Time continues to blow my mind, not just in how much it makes me laugh (which is constantly), but also how much stuff it gets away with. I don't know if standards have changed or what, but there are a number of episodes where I am just like... "omg, did they do/say that? omg, they totally did." =O It is quite surprising. But it's really, really funny and cute and I like the random music outbreaks. I'm trying to catch up on the older episodes, but I hope it's mentioned somewhere just where Finn is from. I know the show is a surreal escapism and all, but, seriously! Where is this kid's family and how did he get to Ooo? It's quietly bugging me. Also, I will be heartbroken when Finn's voice actor becomes too old to play him; he totally makes the show.
Young Justice on the other hand isn't as silly and doesn't make me laugh as much, but is still quite enjoyable. I think I am predisposed to like any Flash incarnation though; no matter which superhero show I'm watching, if there's a Flash-like character in there, he'll be my favorite. Although the show is still new, it's looking good so far. I think it's interesting that twice now the bad guys have commented disapprovingly of having kids on the battlefield. I vaguely read that this show will be kind of different from previous superhero cartoons, so, it should be interesting to see where that tangent goes. Although I like superhero stories, I don't read comics and I've only seen a few of the various cartoon series' episodes DC-wise. So it's kind of nice to be going into this with a fresh plate. :) Well, sort of. I've been following this
fan-made Twitter group posing as the Young Justice characters and it is SO FUNNY, ohmygoodness. They post all the time though; it's tough keeping up with it. I wish there was a way to quickly go through old pages but Twitter is still mostly foreign to me.
Game-wise, I've been playing through Pokemon: Sapphire again. I was missing Hoenn, I guess. I started out trying to only have pokemon on my team that I haven't used before, but I can never say no to Swablu. :3 Right now I've got Loudred, Sableye, Spoink, Seviper, Swablu, and Masquerain. But it'll all be dropped probably when the new Pokemon games come out next month. I've been lukewarm towards it since the games were first announced last year, but as it gets closer, I can feel myself growing more excited for it. Ugh. I should be branching out, not buying the same games over and over. ~_~ butohmygosh, new pokemon game! 8D I will never grow up.