NaNoWriMo is almost officially over, and I've miraculously passed the 50k mark. *massive amounts of confetti flood the room* My novel isn't quite finished -- there's still a number of uncompleted scenes and a dire need to connect other scenes together, but the fact that I got out over fifty THOUSAND words in thirty days is kind of amazing and mind-blowing.
I've had this story idea floating around my brain for... I guess five years? But it was only a vague wisp of an idea, so to see how vast this idea has bloomed, and how many words and scene ideas have sprouted for these three characters that I adored but knew little about, it's... I love it. I absolutely love it. I am amazed at what I have been able to accomplish, in one freaking month. One month! Although I wasn't always reaching the daily word count, I was able to keep up. Even though I slacked off near the end and almost missed crossing the final deadline, I was able to muster up enough to pass the 50k mark. Even though my scenes are mostly dialogue based and I'm not really sure what the plot is outside of looking at these three characters' lives and how they live and break apart and reconnect, I love this story. I can't show it to anyone out of pure shame, but I love this story! And although for now I'm going to be busy drawing prizes and playing Pokemon, I really look forward to editing this beast and doing the fine sewing needed to connect all the threads together. I don't know what the end result will be, but I'm damn glad that I did this.
I can't wait for next year. :D