Cassandra came to her senses

Mar 16, 2009 09:49

And all on her own too.

I restarted the three-in-one Maxishood this weekend. Long story short, I fucked up the other one and started over. I popped into every household, refreshed every portrait, gave a few makeovers, and played every household from some sim hours to a couple of days. The Goths were the last house I played. In the meantime Cassandra had visited the Curious brothers and discovered her boltage with Lazlo. I don't think there's a future for them but it was enough for Cass. Right after I loaded the Goths Cass spun away her want to marry Don, replaced it with a want to befriend Lazlo and dragged Don off to bed to Try for baby instead. She's still afraid Don will leave her at the altar but she doesn't want to marry him anymore either - she just wants to have a baby. And be best friends with Lazlo. Good for you, Cass! *thumbs up* 

maxishood, goth, random

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