Still the searcher must ride the dark horse racing alone in his freight

Jan 13, 2007 09:28

Last night was fantastic.  It was so good to to hang out with everyone. :)

I did my best to ignore all that insecurity bullshit, that feeling that i don't belong or don't fit in, etc., and it turned out pretty well.  I just had a bit too much to drink, which didn't hit me until after I smoked...haha but what did i expect, right?   ugh,  speaking of smoking, had too many cigarettes.  and i had been doing so well with avoiding them...zounds.

it sucked because I was so tired and out of it when there was a good conversation going on in bauer's room...and all i could contribute was stuff like "wow, that's cool" "sounds amazing," which is fine but i wanted to be able to say more than that.  oh well, sometimes you're with it and sometimes you're just not.  i just get sick of not being able sometimes to engage my mind when i really want to.  i know it's not true, but at the time i was thinking how much more intelligent pete, liz, and franchise were than me, started to wonder what i was doing there, like "what do i have to offer?"  but again, i was out of it and i have to not let that define who i am.  i'm intelligent and thoughtful, and i have no reason to feel inferior.  i wish i didn't care so much what they think of me. frustrating.  3 and a half years, and things are still the same in that respect.  i just need to learn to let it go.

plus i kept having to leave the room because i'd start to feel nauseated.

meh, it happens...tonight will be better.

Updated, a few hours later:
Just got some exciting news - I have the option of selling my half of the house to Carly, which would leave me with money to get my own place. :)  So, I'll be able to move out sooner than I thought.  Ahhh freedom. :)  Now I just have to decide where to know, think about where i'd be able to get a job, where i want to live and all that. 
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