MJ2015 Raffle Reminder

Feb 19, 2015 09:37

Hello hello! MJ2015 begins just FOUR weeks from today! We know we have all been busy with panel-voting and, well, if you're on the east-coast, snow-shoveling.

This is just a reminder that we are still seeking donations for a fourth and final MUSKRAT RAFFLE. More info on it is here. In the past we've had gorgeous jewelry and knitted items, signed photos of fannish faves, new DVD sets of some favorite shows, and all sorts of other things generously donated by attendees. These items are raffled off and the proceeds from the purchase of raffle tickets goes to Doctors Without Borders/Médecins sans Frontières.

However, this year, we haven't had any offers for items yet, so we're reaching out to see if there is still interest in the raffle. If we don't get much interest by this coming Sunday, we'll consider just going forward without a raffle this year.

If you have items you'd be willing to offer up for raffle, please let us know! Email loveyouallwrong at gmail dot com with your item!

2015, raffle

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