Panels Are Coming!

Jan 21, 2015 11:27


On January 30th, part one of the panel selection process will COMMENCE with the official Panel Suggestions post! Every year, Muskrats come up with some of the most insightful, hilarious, and interesting topics and we cannot WAIT to see what’s coming this time around!!

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the MJ panel suggestion and selection process, our panels are 100% nominated by and voted on by our attendees. The con comm does not choose the panels - YOU do, via an exciting voting process! This means that it is up to YOU, our attendees, to come up with the best panel ideas possible!

Some important reminders:

1. You MUST have an LJ login in order to vote! On the main LJ page ( you just click JOIN at the top of the page and it will walk you through the process. LJ also offers the option for you to login using other social media accounts (twitter, facebook, etc.) - info on that is on the JOIN page.

2. Only con attendees can suggest panels! This con is for our attendees - you must be registered for the con in order to suggest a panel.

3. If you have any questions about panels, you can comment to this post, or email us at muskratjamboree at gmail dot com.

Okay, so, PANELS. This is not the post where you suggest panels. That's coming at the end of the month! This is the post that gives you some guidelines as to how the panel suggestion and panel voting processes work here at Muskrat Jamboree.

How Panel Suggestions Work

The format for suggesting panels is as follows:

Your Name:
Panel Name:
A brief description of the panel. (If it's a fandom-specific panel, please include the fandom if it's unclear from the panel name.)

Your Name: drunktuesdays
Panel Name: Tears On My Pillow, and Other Hazards of Sleeping with Derek Hale
A brief description of the panel: Derek Hale is CLEARLY a secret softie, and any relationship with him would involve a lot of Michael Buble and spooning. Discuss.

The description line is important because it’s very easy for the above panel to become:

Derek Hale is very cute! We all hope he gets a love interest!

See? Both panel suggestions fit the panel name, but are completely different discussions!

PLEASE NOTE: Panel descriptions are NOToptional. We need your write-up in order to add it to our poll!

How panels are chosen - by YOU.

After all the suggestions are in, we’ll break them down by two types - fandom-specific or meta - then, we’ll put up the polls here in this community for you to vote on the ones you want most!

There are 26 panel slots total. We're looking for a good mix of meta panels and fandom-specific panels.

How mods are chosen.

Whoever suggests the panel has first dibs on moderating it. If the person who suggested it doesn't want to moderate, they are welcome to make arrangements with an alternate mod within three days of the polls closing.

If you don't want to mod your suggest panel, or have anyone in mind to mod it, we’ll post to the comm, asking for someone to offer to moderate it. Whoever offers first will be the mod of the panel!

Please note: as it’s very difficult to create scheduling around individuals modding or co-modding more than two panels, You can only mod or co-mod two panels, but you can suggest as many as you like.

After the voting is complete, we’ll post the master list of mods and panels! Then we’ll get to work on the final schedule and post it to the comm!

How Panels Work!

A panel is essentially a moderated discussion about a specific topic. This doesn’t mean it has to be overly formal - it's just a group of fangirls discussing the things/people/shows they feel passionately about!

Panels are 55 minutes long, starting at the top of the hour (for example: 9AM) and ending at five minutes of the next hour (for example: 9:55AM). This gives attendees enough time to exit the room and the attendees for the next panel to enter and get situated. Mods will get a five-minute heads-up at ten minutes of the hour - please wrap up on time in order to keep things running smoothly!

What does a mod do?

Mods are in charge of five things:

1. Introducing the topic.

2. Keeping the participants ON topic.

3. Keeping the conversation flowing by asking good questions like, "What villain do you think Peggy Carter should annihilate next and with what fork?”

4. Making sure everyone gets a turn and stays polite.

5. Wrapping up the discussion in a timely manner and thanking your participants!

Some guidelines for excellent panel suggestions:

Please try to make your suggestions focused.

Vague ideas:

1. Avengers

2. One Direction

3. Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Focused ideas:

1. The Hero Arc of Natasha Romanov: What DID happen in Budapest?
2. Harry Styles: DILF Hunter
3. When Santiago Met Diaz: Ladyslash in the Nine-Nine

Also try to avoid panels that are about your specific kinks:

Bad: Things I Want To Put In Harry Styles’s Mouth

Good:: Harry Styles’s Oral Fixation-- Opportunities, Results, and Consequences: A Discussion

What about meta?

Meta suggestions can take many forms. We can talk about writing challenges, fannish cliches, fannish trends, etc. In the past, we’ve had “Ladies, please! Great female characters” and “Blurring Gender Lines in Fandom.”

Another type of meta panel is the instructional panel - in the past, we’ve had and “The Linguistics of Fandom” and “Plot, Woe, Plot: Faking Forensics and Conjuring Crimes for Investigative Fandoms.”

We aren't going to allow panels like "Why Fandom X Sucks." No mean-spirited panels mean happy muskrats!

Remember: You must be a member of the community to vote on panels. Please do not vote if you are not attending the con! We (and our attendees!) want the panels to reflect the interests of those attending.

If you have any questions, please comment here or email them to muskratjamboree at gmail dot com. Yay!

Again: the post where you will suggest panels is coming up on January 30th! Get your muskrat-themed thinking caps on!

2015, panels, admin

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