[x] Full Name: Lisa Rebeca Burton Rosero Ganzales
[x] Nick names: None really.
[x] First Breath: 9/6/89
[x] Age: 15 (almost 16!)
[x] Girl or Boy: Lady
[x] Height: 5'1 maybe 2?
[x] Hair color: Brown
[x] Eye color: Brown
[x] Glasses/Contacts: Both
[x] Braces: Yeah, I have had them off for about 9 months!
[x] Where were you born: I don't know the name of the hospital but I was born on a military base in Panama
[x] Current Location: Sevenmile
[x] Today's Date: August 1st
[x] Time: 6:24am
[x] Mother's name: Flor
[x] Father's name: Jerry
[x] Brother's name: Jerry
[x] Sister's name: Gabby and Melissa
[x] Favorite aunt: Ana
[x] Favorite uncle: Don't have one
[x] Favorite cousin: Don't have one
[x] Favorite grandpa: Don't have one
[x] Favorite grandma: Don't have one. My family sucks ass. I guess I love them anyway though.
[x] What school do you go to: Edgewood High School
[x] What grade are you in: 11th
[x] Current G.P.A: 3.0
[x] Favorite grade: I would say this past year but I don't know... maybe like 4th or something? Elementary school was good.
[x] Least favorite grade: 3rd, I was the new kid at Sevenmile Elementary. Very shy.
[x] Favorite teacher : Mr. Wendeln
[x] Least favorite teacher: Don't know
[x] Favorite subject: World History, English
[x] Least favorite subject: Math, Science, Gym (does gym count?)
[x] Do you play sports/ extracurricular activites: I'm in choraliers and I do musicals.
[x] Number: either 4 or 7
[x] Letter: U
[x] Toy: Squirt guns
[x] Movie: I have too many.
[x] T.V show: I hardly watch TV
[x] Shoes: my black flip flops
[x] Clothing: The jeans I just bought from Aeropastle.. 21 bucks bitches.
[x] Cologne/Perfume: Rimmel London Glam
[x] Song: Fall Out Boy - Sugar we're going down
[x] Candy: Skittles
[x] Food: I can never answer this question lol
[x] Singer: Probably Christina Aguilera, her voice is so amazing.
[x] Group: Keane, The Killers, Falloutboy, Head Automatica I have too many.
[x] Type of music: Pretty much everything, but I'm not very into country..
[x] Hangout: Applebees, My crib, my friends cribs. Lol.
[x] Fastfood Restaurant: McDonalds
[x] Season: Summer
[x] Day: Saturday
[x] Weekday: Thursday
[x] Month: July or September
[x] Shampoo: Pantene
[x] Deodorant: Dove
[x] Car: I like jeeps.
[x] Boy's name: Daren
[x] Girl's name: Scarlet
[x] Music video: Falloutboy - Sugar we're going down
[x] Word: Passion
[x] Swear word: Fuck
[x] George Bush: He doesn't like abortion yay!
[x] Laguna Beach: Don't care
[x] Jessica Simpson: Her voice sucks.
[x] Britney Spears: It's so weird that she's pregnant..
[x] Fuck: *giggle*
[x] Orange: Florida orange juice is good.
[x] Love: Is stupid.
[x] Gay: Happy!
[x] Donut: Mr. Hylton
[x] Water: Dasani
[x] Rock or Rap: Both
[x] Rap or Pop: Rap
[x] Rock or Pop: Rock
[x] R&B or Rock: Both
[x] Metal or Rock: Rock
[x] Pop or R&B: Both
[x] Pop or Metal: Pop
[x] Rap or R&B: Both
[x] Britney or Christina: Christina
[x] Hilary or Lindsay: Hilary Duff has NOTHING on Lindsay Lohan.
[x] Chad Michael Murray or Jude Law: Jude Law
[x] Gay or Lesbian: Don't matter, as long as the lesbian doesn't hit on me.
[x] Usher or Justin Timberlake: Usher
[x] Basketball or baseball: Basketball
[x] Pen or pencil: Pen
[x] Skateboard or rollerblade: Skateboard
[x] Ski or snowboard: Snowboard
[x] Me or you: I don't know you, so Me
[x] Dora or Blue: Blue
[x] Red or Blue: Red
[x] Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: Nope
[x] What is he/she's name: --
[x] When did you get together: --
[x] How long have you been together: --
[x] How did you meet: --
[x] How many friends do you have: Enough
[x] Do you smoke: No way
[x] What about drink: If you say so
[x] Are you a virgin: Yes Indeed
[x] If no, when was the last time: --
[x] Best friend(s): Bekah and Cameron
[x] Known the longest: Steph
[x] Craziest: Bekah and Stacy, We're CRAZY!
[x] Shyest: Stacy and Steph
[x] Sweetest: Steph
[x] Nicest: Steph and Kelli
[x] Most likely to get lost: All of us, we're dumb lol.
[x] Most likely to fall in love alot: Tyler
[x] Scariest: Cameron and Aaron
[x] Best hair: Bekah
[x] Most athletic: Cameron, Tyler, and Aaron
[x] Most likely to say, "Do you have to be Dutch to wear Von Dutch?": Tyler
[x] Tallest: Tyler
[x] Shortest: Kelli
[x] Always there when you need them: Bekah or Cameron
[x] Loudest: Most of us are loud with the exception of Steph and Stacy lol
[x] Funniest: Bekah and Cameron
[x] Hottest: I don't know actually
[x] Best dressed: Bekah
[x] What do you think about gay/lesbian people: Let them do what they want, if what they do bothers you... that means you are nosy and care too much about other peoples lives.
[x] George Bush: Pro-Life yay! Even though he got us into this crazy war...
[x] Suicide: Sad that people feel that is the only way out.
[x] Boy bands: SECRETLY GAY! <--LOL!
[x] The color pink: Pink is cute
[x] last birthday: Had a small party and we slept outside
[x] today: I couldn't sleep so I have been up since 3am. I might hang out with Cameron, and I have youth group at 7pm.
[x] Christmas: I don't know, Christmas isn't fun anymore.
[x] Thanksgiving: We had a lot of food.
[x] Easter: Big church service
[x] Valentine's Day: I was going out with Travis then, we bought each other gifts and opened them in his drive way, it was awesome. Then we went to Smith Park but on our way I had ate too much sugar (he was trying to kill me with chocolates) and got kinda sick so we had to turn around and stop by his house to eat chedar popcorn. We played with ducks and then he took me to choralier practice.
[x] Yesterday: Slept a lot and finished reading a book, had youth group.
[x] Last weekend: A lot of things.
[x] You ate: Has browns and cheese, yum.
[x] Hugged: There were lots of hugs after the Footloose performance Saturday night.
[x] Kissed: Dunno
[x] Drank: Diet Pepsi
[x] You listened to: Velvet Revolver
[x] Person you saw: My mom just left for work.
[x] Person you talked to: My mom
[x] Person you fucked: --
[x] Are you straight: Yes indeed, I love the penis.
[x] Are you Asian: No
[x] Are you Caucasian: 1/2
[x] Are you Mexican: No
[x] Are you non of the above: No
[x] Do you like eggs: Yes
[x] What about candy: Yes
[x] Girls: What about them?
[x] Guys: Boys are fun, I wish they weren't so stupid though.
[x] You: What about me?
[x] Still friends with your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend: Not really, I wish we were though.
[x] Am I annoying you: Nah
[x] Are you glad its over: No, I'm bored.