This Week

Jul 31, 2005 14:51

So this week was fun, I got to shopping and stuff. Last night I saw Footloose, or well.. half of it lol. The half that I saw I was in the front row for so that was freakin awesome! It really was totally awesome, I loved it! After the show a bunch of us went to Applebees and had a great time. We left Applebees around 1:30 and then Tyler came over to my house to hang out for awhile. It was crazy, he was at my house til 5am!! We just watched movies and talked about things. We found out we really can't communicate very well. Half of our conversations consist of "huh?" or "what?" Oh but it was so crazy, on the way to my house we stopped by this pet shop to look at these puppies in the display window and as we were walking up to the store this woman, I had never seen a prostitute in real life before!, came up to us all like "I aint no pervert, I'm no freak all I need is any change or money you might have cause I'm tryin to find my way to Cincinnati." It was so weird, I didn't give her anything but to make her go away Tyler gave her a dollar. We think she was a lesbian cause the whole time she kept saying stuff like "That girl you got is so fine, damn girl you're beautiful, so fine." It was creepy.... But yeah that was interesting lol.

Today I have no plans but youth group tonight, we start Vacation Bible School this week so that will be fun! Oh yeah and I changed my Livejournal Layout again lol. I absolutely love it, it's funny lol.

I'm gonna go shower and get somethin to eat, I'm starving!
Love you guys, God bless!
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