tonight kicked ass.

Apr 11, 2006 23:10

But first:
Show's...over. That's really hard for me to say. Usually by this time I'm ready to have my life back..and I guess I am, but I could totally do this show for another month. The cast was too perfect, and I had a complete blast with all of it. I've heard nothing but good things about the show (save comments from M. Purdy, and...well...enough said there.) AND I have a cove of no less than ten bouquets of flowers in my bedroom. I really appreciate everyone who came out to see it. Especially more than once. =) I love all of you guys. And seniors...*tear. just. *sigh. You know. -mwah-

ON TO tonight!
After school a bunch of us just stood around outside talking, and decided it was pretty and we were going to frolic about at Bennet Cerf. Us including myself, jac, matty, garrott, jesser, and bet. It was good times. I got some good photos. After we watched a 5th grade fisherboy finish his cigarette, and garrott and jac killed off the ogre spiders, we dispersed home until Idol. I went to the mall to get my photos printed and to get some new clothes. The shopping outing put me in kind of a bad mood (which was to be expected) but I got some decent stuff, i guess. Then La showed up with her amazing new hair, and from then on the night was happy. We got dinner and then came home and Lauren and Kevo and...everyone else from before showed up to watch Idol. Gooood times. Played some pool, laughed a WHOLE LOT. Pretty sure I technically captured some porn footage. There was a mini-orgy at one point... Chyah. It was a really good start to spring break. I genuinely enjoy that company. I hope we all get to hang out again over the weekend.

I also hope my ear infection goes away soon, cause it's really startin to bum me out.

Lesser and I go see B. Joel on FRIIDAAAAAAAAY! WOOOOOOOO!
Thursday I sing at church.
Tomorrow I think is harbor/hooters day with La.

Then NEXT week!!! (cause we know damn well I wont be back for another month)
Thur. 20 // NAHS Inductions (free dessert, you should come and be proud of me)
Fri. 21 // NYC Ellis Island w/ Jac & Al B.
Sat. 22 // Fly out to BOOOSTOOOON for to look at schools avec my aunt Janis and cousin Andy. Maybe a quick visit with Ritaaa.
Tue. 25 // Fly back home
Wed. 25 // Jr. Interviews. Gross.
Thur. 26 // State Choral Festival.

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