Yummy Mummy (PG)

Dec 13, 2011 22:30

Title: Yummy Mummy
Rating: PG
Summary: Parenthood is messy
Author's Note: Rated PG since with Ron there is always innuendo lurking under the surface.

"How are my two favourite girls doing today?" Ron asked as he bounded out of the fireplace, happy to be home after a long day testifying before the Wizengamot.

"Don't ask," Hermione grumbled from her seat in front of Rose's highchair.

"Is my little Rosie Posy giving Mummy a hard time?" Ron asked, kissing his daughter's ginger curls.

"Your daughter is a mess... a complete and utter mess." Hermione dropped Rose's dirty bowl into the sink with a clatter. "She refuses to actually eat her meal, rather she prefers to throw it around the room," Hermione complained over the sound of running water.

"Aw c'mon Hermione, you knew parenthood would be messy." Ron reached around Hermione to turn off the faucet, resting his chin on her shoulder. "You know everything can't be tidy all the time anymore."

"I know," she sighed, leaning back against Ron's chest. "I'm just tired of being covered with baby food - I have mashed peas in my hair and pear puree down my bra…"

"Ah, guess that makes you a yummy mummy," Ron teased, kissing her neck. "Tasty," he moaned as he nibbled her throat lightly.

Just as Hermione turned to kiss Ron's mouth, a loud wet thwack rang out.

Hermione's eyes widened as she spied a glob of yellowish goo smeared on Ron's cheek - courtesy of their mush throwing daughter.

"You must be a delicious daddy then." Hermione laughed as she ran her finger through the mess running down the side of his face.

Ron grabbed Hermione's hand and pulled it to his mouth. "Mmmm, banana custard," he noted as he licked her finger clean. "My favourite," he said with a grin.

ron/hermione, pg

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