Practice (G)

Dec 13, 2011 22:17

Title: Practice
Rating: G
Summary: Ron's rehearsal is overheard
Author's Note: A wee drabble...

Ron cleared his throat and stared straight ahead, preparing to say those three little words that he had thought a thousand times but never voiced. Actually, he had voiced them, but this would be the first time Hermione both heard them and knew that he meant them - with all his heart in fact.

"I love you."

"Thank you, my dear. I'm rather fond of you too," the bathroom mirror replied.

"I wasn't talking to you," Ron grumbled.

"Well, you were looking right at me," the mirror reasoned.

"I was just practicing."

"Ah," the mirror sighed in understanding. "The pretty one with all the hair then is it?"

"Er, yeah." As Ron conversed with the mirror, he watched the progression of his blush, until his ears looked as if they would burst into flames.

"There's no need to fret. I have no doubt your confession will be well received, she's certain to reciprocate."

"How in the world would you know such a thing?" Ron scoffed.

"Let's just say, you aren't the only one who I've heard practice declarations of love," the mirror confided cheekily.

drabble, g, ron/hermione

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