"Prove It"

Sep 09, 2009 01:25

Title: Prove It
Author: musik19
Ship: Adam/Kris
Word Count: 1,699
Summary: Kris and Adam are on an overnight flight and join the mile high club.
Author's Note: This was written for the ONTD_AI kink meme. These are real people, but these events are completely fictitious, as far as I know. Thanks to my lovely beta, dreamblossoms

Kris and Adam were on an overnight flight from L.A. to New York, having used their two days off before the New York shows to work on their albums in L.A. Nearly everyone in the cabin was asleep, but Adam was wide awake. This wasn’t anything new - Adam always had so many things on his mind that he sometimes had trouble sleeping.

Fidgeting, Adam looked over at Kris in the seat next to him. Kris had his earbuds in his ears and his eyes were closed, but Adam wasn’t so sure he was asleep.

“Kris,” Adam said softly, nudging his shoulder. “Are you awake?”

“Go away,” Kris said sleepily, his eyes still closed, but his lips started to quirk up in a smile.

Adam pulled out one of Kris’ earbuds and whispered in his ear, lips slightly brushing against skin. “Meet me in the bathroom in five minutes.”

Kris’ smile widened. Adam looked around to check that no one was watching them, then reached over and ran his hand up Kris’ thigh, before massaging Kris’ crotch through his jeans. Kris moaned softly and looked over at Adam, eyes going dark. After a last squeeze, Adam got up and walked to the bathroom. After a few minutes, there was a soft knock on the door.

“Adam?” Kris whispered.

Adam opened the door and let Kris in. The bathroom was going to be very cramped, but he liked it. Kris seemed to feel the same way - as soon as Kris closed and locked the door behind him, a huge grin lit up his face.

Adam couldn’t wait any longer. He grabbed Kris by the front of his t-shirt and pulled him to him for a rough kiss.

“I’ve been wanting to do this all day,” Adam said, before Kris took charge. Pulling Adam’s bottom lip between his teeth, Kris pushed Adam back against the wall, making Adam crash loudly into the paper towel dispenser on the wall.

“Ummph, fuck,” Adam winced, “that hurt.” He listened, but nobody came to rap on the door.

“I thought you liked it when we got rough,” Kris said pointedly, a devilish grin on his face.

“I do! Just not right now,” Adam said, a little defensively. “I’ll prove it when we get to the hotel.”

“Oh, really? And how are you gonna prove it to me?” Kris asked, snaking his hands under Adam’s shirt.

“How about I fuck you until you can’t stand,” Adam said, as he pushed Kris roughly against the sink and started to unbutton his pants.

“I thought you didn’t want to get rough right now,” Kris said, a little giggle ruining his mock serious tone.

“Oh, you’re asking for it, aren’t you, Allen,” Adam said, as he spun Kris around and pushed him against the sink again.

Kris arched back against Adam, Adam’s erection pressing against his ass.

“Are you gonna fuck me or just drive me crazy?” Kris asked impatiently.

“Both,” Adam said, matter-of-factly, as he yanked Kris’ pants down and dropped to his knees behind him.

It wasn’t the best of angles, and the airplane bathroom didn’t seem big enough to hold both of them, but Adam was nothing if not resourceful. He gripped Kris’ hips and bent him over the sink as well as he could, pushing Kris’ legs apart with his knee. Above him, Kris’ breathing hitched in his throat, and Adam smiled against Kris’ ass, letting Kris feel his hot breath, before running his tongue along Kris’ entrance. Kris jumped, but Adam held him in place, and in a moment Kris was writhing back against him, wordlessly begging for more.

They didn’t have time for prolonged teasing - an airline employee or another passenger (Adam just knew half the plane had recognized them) could knock on the door at any moment - so without waiting any longer, Adam thrust his tongue into Kris’ ass. Kris moaned, loud and desperate, and the worry of discovery was really turning Adam on now. He thrust his tongue in and out of Kris’ ass, speeding up his thrusts and each time attempting to go deeper than the last. Kris was trembling and panting by the time Adam slowly pressed the first lube-slicked finger into his ass. (Since starting this relationship, Adam had quickly learned that “Be Prepared” was not just a motto for Boy Scouts. A pity in some ways, since even the smallest size of lube bulged suspiciously in his pocket, and he felt like every gay stereotype carrying condoms around all the time, but the quality and quantity of sex with Kris more than made up for it.)

“More, Adam, more,” Kris begged.

Adam took a moment just to appreciate it all, watching his finger in Kris’ ass, Kris pushing back onto it, the sheen of sweat on Kris’ back, Kris’ dick already rock hard. Then he answered Kris’ pleas, adding a second finger, twisting them and stroking Kris’ prostate. Kris whimpered into his arm, trying to hold back his moans, and when Adam added a third finger, Kris’ legs buckled.

“Fuck me. Please fuck me, oh, Adam,” Kris moaned.

Adam was standing up with his pants undone in a matter of seconds. Pulling a condom out of his pocket (and reminding himself to replace it later), he quickly rolled it on his aching cock and positioned himself before slowly pushing inside.

Kris threw back his head, eyes tightly closed, mouth open and panting. Adam, watching him in the bathroom mirror, thought he’d never seen anyone so beautiful. “Harder, Adam. Fuck me harder.”

Adam was the only one to ever hear this kind of profanity from Kris’ mouth. Undone by Kris’ passion, Adam thrust deep into Kris, twisting his hips to hit Kris’ prostate every time. He pulled out and thrust back in harder. Kris attempted to lean back up to try to kiss Adam, but Adam shoved him back down against the small countertop. If Kris wanted it rough, then rough was what Kris would get. He reached around to pump Kris’ leaking cock, making his motions fast and pitiless, and Kris moaned loudly, biting his fist desperately. Just as Adam realized dimly that this was not going to last very much longer, Kris made a little broken sound against his fist, and Adam was coming with a rush. He kept pumping Kris’ cock, and he had the satisfaction of seeing Kris’ face contort with his orgasm while Adam was still riding out his own.

When Adam could feel his legs again, he found Kris lying against the top of the counter, panting and shaking under him. Adam pulled out carefully and discarded the condom, praying to Kris’ God that no crazy fan deduced what they had been doing, collected the condom, and sold it on EBay. Shaking the thought with a shudder, he pulled Kris back up to lean against him, kissing the back of his neck and his shoulder. Kris turned to face him, breathing still a little ragged against Adam’s chest, and pulled him into a kiss, deep and passionate. When Kris finally broke the kiss to breathe, he rested his head in the crook of Adam’s neck and pressed a chaste kiss into his shoulder, while Adam held him close, smiling into his hair. They stayed that way for a few more minutes, quiet, content to be together, while they regained their composure. Adam was not venturing out into that hallway again until he was sure that he didn’t look like he’d just been fucking his boyfriend in the lavatory. Kris had probably woken the plane with his moans, and Adam shared the common celebrity terror of that evil menace called the cell phone camera.

When his breathing and heart rate had returned to something resembling normal, Adam ran a hand through Kris’ hair. “I think I just proved it to you,” he said, letting his voice hold both a teasing lilt and some small portion of the affection he felt for the man in his arms.

“Yeah, you definitely did,” Kris said with a laugh, then nipped at Adam’s nipple through his shirt. “My turn when we get to the hotel.”

Adam arched an eyebrow at him, savoring the look of promise in Kris’ eyes. Then, sighing, he broke the moment, grabbing some paper towels and running them under the faucet so they could clean themselves off. Kris buttoned up his jeans while Adam tried to fix his hair and makeup in the mirror. Fingers and spit could only do so much, though, and he frowned at himself.

“Come on, beautiful,” Kris laughed, poking him. “Time to wedge ourselves back into the sardine can.”

“You go first,” Adam said, unlatching the door and running his hand through Kris’ hair, unsuccessfully trying to get rid of the sex-mussed look. “I’ll come along in a little while, so it’s not completely obvious that we were in the same bathroom for fifteen minutes.”

Kris smiled up at him, eyes sparkling, then grabbed his hand.

Adam narrowed his eyes at him.

Kris pushed the door open, still holding Adam’s hand tightly, and stepped out into the galleyway. He looked back, catching Adam’s eyes. “I’m not ashamed,” he said softly.

On their way back to their seats, Adam noticed two flight attendants smirking at them. One looked distinctly flushed. Other than those two, however, the entire plane seemed to still be sound asleep. As Kris towed him along past the flight attendants, still holding his hand in a death grip, Adam smiled a little ruefully at the flushed flight attendant. She winked at him. Adam felt a traitorous heat start to spread up his neck, but he saw none of the dreaded cell phone cameras, so he let his smile widen into a real one, biting his lip to keep from laughing.

Back in their seats, Adam spread an airplane blanket over both of them. He felt Kris’ hand snake back into his beneath the blanket, and Kris’s head falling to his shoulder. Smiling again, Adam pressed a quick kiss to Kris’ head before letting himself drift off into a warm, satisfied sleep.

Miles below them, the America they’d conquered together spun on, unaware.

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