Shows,shows, shows!

Nov 07, 2009 23:46

After 12 years, we finally parted ways. It was really sudden. I
wasn't even planning on letting go anytime soon or to find a new one.
I choked the morning that was my last day with my '92 Honda Accord. It
was my first car. I often think about how many different bodies I've
had in it. Some are still around. Some may have died. Some I never
really knew. Some I grew apart from. Some I didn't really give a shit.
Some I just met for one day. I must say that Mike and Erin are the ones
who have spent the most time in my car. I thought it was funny that I
went to visit Diana in downtown LA without telling Mike I was in the
area. He then calls me and tells me that he sees my car parked on
Spring and 6th St. I was pretty impressed because my car looks like
any other car. I had no stickers (use to have an X and Misfits sticker
but assholes would peel it off) on my car. It must have been the dent I never
fixed from the last accident I had.

I can still remember the early days of driving it around. I drove my
cousins, Lynn and Erin, and my brother to our high school for about a
year (I think). Lynn graduated in '98. After she left, it was the
three of us the next year. Then off to Cal State Fullerton I went. Over the
years, I got a few parking tickets, got towed once (It from seeing
X at the galaxy. My car was towed to a shady area of Santa Ana. It
was 2 in the morning.), almost got towed infront of Aaron's records
(ran over to the tow truck once someone at Aaron's made an
announcement that a car was getting towed), and got my first moving violation ticket last year
(November '08),got a ticket that wasn't for my car (cop wrote down the
wrong license plate of a silver Ford and my license plate showed up. It
was such a pain in the ass to fix because the people on the phone
didn't know what they were doing. I swear all the time that I had to
wait on the phone must have added up over 2 hours only to get
either hung up on or got to talk to a lady who didn't know what she was doing. I had to take a day
off of work and go to the police department to clear it. It only took
a few minutes to clear and the officer asked me why didn't I just call.
got in 6 car accidents (None my fault, HEY! I live near Little Saigon!
Enough said!). One of the accidents funded my trip to
Ireland (Thanks, Asian lady who hit me going 45mph and then yelled at
me for stopping behind a stopped car!).

Anyhow, I sold my car to my dad's coworker. I didn't get to meet him.
I have a new car. The funny thing is that it is like my Honda. It's
the same color and it's a Japanese car.

I figured Japanese cars retain their value pretty well. I like my car.
I don't think I could go back to the old one because my anxiety went
with it. Toward the end, it would break down on me. I was spending
way too much money repairing it. Goodbye, old friend! Thanks for the

After complaining that there aren't any good shows going on, I am
complaining that they're too many now. Then again, summer is gone
and here come the tours!

August 30th was an amazing day! Mark Burgess of the Chameleons was
playing at the Echo! I totally thought that I would never ever see any
Chameleons songs played live and boy, was I happy to be proven wrong.
Mike had texted me that Burgess was going to be playing Chameleons
songs. I freaked out and bought my ticket right away. Turns out that
some hardcore fans put the show together by gathering LA musicians
to play the music and having Mark sing. Mike, Justin R and I met up with
Ashlee at Christine's place. She lives walking distance to the Echo.
Christine didn't go, so the 4 of us walked over to the venue. The show
was soooooooooooooo GOOD! The turn out was amazing! I didn't think
that it would be so packed but the place packed tight. Even Burgess
was surprised and flattered at the outcome. I must have run into a
million people there. I saw Maybern eating at Masa's, Carolyn driving,
Stephi in line, Colin inside, Andrew when I walked in, Nikki outside,
Don Bolles hanging infront of Two Boots, and this 40-something year
old punk guy whom I use to see at my old work and around OC but never seemed
very friendly. He would look at me with my band shirts on as if I were
a poser or something.

Anyhow, the performance almost made me cry. It was so beautiful. I
was deeply moved until Burgess went over to the death rock girl and
made out with her. Then I was just confused. Uh, did he just make out
with her ? Is that why he's wearing a dog collar but shouldn't be
because he looks like someone's dad? Did someone just say mid-life


Sunday, September 6, I saw the Germs play over at the HOB Anaheim. I
wasn't planning on seeing them, but Mike wanted to pass out flyers for
the Oblivion Series ( I got to
Downtown Disney early so I wandered inside the Disney California
Hotel. I love the Craftsman architecture in there. It's amazing. I
just sat around in the lobby, admiring the details, and waited for
Mike to show up. I didn't want to miss the UK Subs so I went in. Mike
showed up but we weren't really into the show. The Germs were ok. I
think it would have been better if we were in a smaller venue like when
I saw them at the Scene (that was fun!). The show just dragged and the
music was way too loud (am I getting old?). Camille walked by us with
Don Bolles. I didn't recognize her in her Alice in Wonderland costume
and blonde hair. At the show, I was thinking about Saturday which at that point was the previous day. I had just met Mike's friend, Derek. He said he wouldn't want to see
the Germs when we told him about it. At the Germs show, I was thinking the same thing.
Saturday was fun! I met up with the Oblivion cast and crew to
shoot some scenes at Garage Pizza. After, we shot some scenes in an
alley next to the Vista Theatre. When we were done, we went over to
Derek's hotel over near Cafe 101. This was my first time meeting him
after- what 5 or 4 years from the day Mike calls me and tells me "Hey, I
found the male version of you in Atlanta!" Previously I told Mike
that what I want in a significant other would be a male version of me.
Yeah, yeah, this sounds narcissistic, but it's what I want. Favorite
bands should be X, the Clash, and the Pogues (I can have a companion
for all the shows that I go to so I don't have to go by myself ). Must
be into same politics. Must have same morals and values, yadda yadda
yadda.......nice if he were vegetarian too. What do you know? He was
perfect and an art major like me! Only problem was he was in Atlanta and then New York and plus, i never really talked to him. Not into the long distance thing. I
figured if it were meant to be, it would happen. Plus, I don't like the
idea of being set up. It just feels forced. Although, I do appreciate
the effort. I thought Derek was amazing. It was pretty uncanny our similarities that I picked up on our meeting. Too bad he's taken and lives on the east coast.

I got to meet Derek's friends who were pretty cool. They were in town for a psychobilly
fest at the Henry Fonda Theatre. We shoot the shit for awhile in the hotel room. Josh who plays Pox in the Oblivion Series looked extremely bored. He is an actor who is
into raves and not at all into the subcultures of Oblivion. We got hungry. I thought we were going to Palms to eat Thai food and watch the Thai Elvis perform or go to Jumbo's Clown Room to watch girls pole dance (not interested, glad we didn't go). We ended up going to Tiki-ti (tiki bar) which is way too small so we opted for food. I wanted to eat at Malo's because I love that place! Delicious mexican food with a twist. We ended up walking to Chavo's and sat down. The salsa tasted funky so we made up an excuse to leave and walked over to Malo's. YES! I was so happy Chavo's bombed and we moved the party over to Malo's. After eating deliciousness, we headed over to the Roost and I left early with Josh. I had to drop him off in Long Beach and work early the next day. Wish I could have stayed longer to go over to the Big Foot Lodge.

Friday, September 11, I got a text from Kevin that Exene and John were going to play at Alex's Bar in Long Beach. No one was able to go so I just went by myself (nothing new). It was so nice to see them up close and personal. The last time I had seen them was at the OC Fair, and I was so far back. I thought John and Exene were going to perform together, but they didn't. John played his solo stuff which I love! Exene played her new album. There was a raffle going on. I bought a ticket hoping that I would win 2 tickets to see the Pogues play on Saturday, October 17. I didn't get the tickets that I wanted, but I did get a signed TSOL's "Come Dance with Me" vinyl record. The next raffle winner won a $600 worth basket of lotion crap and wanted to trade with me but I said no. What am I
going to do with all that lotion?

Saturday, October 10, I went to see Exene and John at the Echoplex. I had planned to go a long time ago but was reconsidering since I saw them in September, but then I wanted to see Kid Congo Powers so I went anyway. I thought I was going to go with Kevin or Taylor, but both were unavailable to go so I went by myself. It was weird to see chairs at the Echoplex. I sat next to this lovely lady with bleached blonde hair and red lipstick. She complimented me on my look, and I thought she was gorgeous. Her boyfriend came back, and then it just got awkward. He wasn't as friendly as she. I totally enjoyed Kid Congo Powers' set. He started with spoken word about an adventure he had on his way to Joan Jett's party in the 70s. He also performed 2 Gun Club songs, "For the Love of Ivy" and "Mother of Earth." I was in heaven! I LOVE THE GUN CLUB! He performed "Mother of Earth" as an instrumental but sang "For the Love of Ivy" which was a little weird because it is just not the same without Jeffrey Lee Pierce singing. On the other hand, Powers played it beautifully. John and Exene performed together this time, and they were lovely as usual. They never disappoint.

There are many musicians who I have just accepted that I will probably never get to see perform. I would love to see Bowie, but I am not sure if that's ever going to happen. When a musician or band is big, and I know tickets are hard to get, I just get discouraged. The Rolling Stones is another band. Bob Dylan was another one. For Bob Dylan, I totally lucked out. My coworker Justin (who is an amazing person!) offered me a ticket. Hell yes! I will totally go! We ended up seeing Bob Dylan at the Palladium on Thursday, October 15. Bob was fantastic! I wish I had gotten there earlier because I couldn't see him most of the time. The stage at the Palladium is too low. They really need to boost it a few feet up. When Bob came out, I didn't even know where the hell he was. I guess it doesn't help that I'm 5'3" and have bad luck. I usually end up behind the tallest person in the room (like the time I ended up behind the tallest guy seeing the Pogues at the Wiltern show and his butt cheeks were close to smacking my cheeks from the humping motion he was doing with his companion). The show was fun except for the aggressive douchebag who lied about meeting his girlfriend so he could get closer. He stopped near us, and I never saw him talking to any femmes. He almost got into a fight with the Irish guy in front of me. The funny thing is before the show, a woman started sceaming at his man who was actually meeting up with his friends in the crowd. She was yelling about how she was there since 6:30pm, and she wasn't going to let him stand in front of her. It was ridiculous because he really was meeting his friends, and she wasn't even all that close to the stage. Where the hell was she when the douchebag showed up? I would have loved for her to yell at that guy who really deserved it. After the show, Justin and I headed over to Cafe 101 to have a late night dinner. Justin went to the restroom and comes back telling me about how he got to pee next to Emile Hirsch. I saw Hirsch through peripheral vision on his way to the restroom while I was eating, but I didn't look at him so I didn't recognize him. The same shit happened when Mike and I went into this boutique his ex was working at, and Christina Ricci and Adam Goldberg were in there but I didn't look at them either.

Saturday, October 17, I saw the Pogues at the Club Nokia. I bought 2 tickets for myself and Justin R. JR didn't end up going so I thought I'd give the extra ticket to Grace who went with me the last time I saw the Pogues at the HOB Anaheim. I freaking got lost on the way over there. I had been to Club Nokia before but for some reason decided to follow Google Map directions because I was driving from Grace's. I should have learned my lesson with that Smashing Pumpkins scenario with Google Maps. Luckily, I am somewhat familiar with that area and figured it out. However, when we got there the Pogues were going on. I could tell by hearing the opening of "Straight to Hell" that was playing. Grace and I were pretty far back so we just decided to get wasted. At one point some stupid ass lady hit her head on my face pretty hard. She and her friends were dancing out of control with no consideration for the people around them. Seriously, why are people so damn inconsiderate? Oh yeah, it's because they're stupid. I would never dance around like an asshole and be oblivious to hurting people around me. I guess I either have a space issue or am too nice. Anyhow, I had a nice time with Grace. She's always fun to hang out with. I love her. She's fierce! At the beginning of our trip to Ireland, she had the audacity to ask the instructor where to get a knife! Everyone just had this confused/disgusted look on their face. Most of the people on the trip didn't really like her because she was sort of bitchy and a smart ass, but I liked her. We got to stay with the same family, and she complimented me on my X shirt.

Saturday, October 24, was an action packed day. I go over to Mike's, we then go over to pick up Christine in East LA somewhere, go over to Gina's in Silver Lake to pick up Saehee and Gina, and then to Burbank to go check out Halloween Town. Halloween Town is this cool shop that is open all year round. They've got a room that is dedicated to the Haunted Mansion ride at Disneyland. They've also got a great selection of horror movie t-shirts and cool horror gifts. We went to eat at Porto's which is a delicious Cuban bakery and restaurant. Their grilled veggie sandwich is yummy. Later we headed over to Pasadena and ended up hanging out the Mac computer shop for the longest time. We stopped by Christine's place in San Marino. I remember my mom and I would drive around in San Marino and look at the beautiful homes back when we still lived in San Gabriel. We dropped off Saehee at Gina's and then headed back to Mike's to drop off the new computer. We were all on a time crunch to get to the Forever Hollywood Cemetery before they closed at 11pm. We stopped to bet booze at the liquor store. It must have been 10:30pm when we left the liquor store. Majority of the party was getting pissed that we weren't going to make it into the cemetery. Plus to top it off, we were stuck in traffic and had to pick up Saehee and meet Chad. In an effort to make it in time, we decided not to get Saehee (sorry, Saehee! well, she met us there) and ran into the cemetery at 11:05pm only to realize that no one at the door gave a shit. Two Day of the Dead years ago, I arrived at the cemetery to meet up with Mike, Jon, and Chynna and the guard wouldn't let me in until Mike talked him into it.

We met up with Pockets and Veronika . Later Chynna, Jon, and their gang met up with us. We all walked over to the west mausoleum only to find that it was locked this year! The previous years it was unlocked, and it was so fun to explore in the pitch dark. We wanted to check out Vampira's grave but got kicked out of the cemetery. I headed home because I had to work the next day. We lost Chynna and Jon. The rest of the crew went to the Cretin Motocycle Club's party. The next day Mike told me about the fiasco that went on. Maybe it was a good thing that I left. The next day, he met up with Chynna and John to have breakfast at Cafe 101 and Cillian Murphy was there! Once again, I was missing out. If you have not seen Cillian Murphy in the movie "The Wind that Shakes the Barley," rent it as soon as possible.
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