boys, boys everywhere

Jun 03, 2007 17:09

So. This is a picspam that all started with Pete's smile, and then I just couldn't neglect Patrick, and then Brendon, and it just sort of degenerated from there. Pretty boys smiling gets me every time.

Also, I apologize in advance for the mostly incoherent comments.

And we'll start with Pete. Because his smile makes his whole face light up, and I love it when he smiles.

Pete is adorable, and he likes monkeys.

He even smiles when he's flipping you off. How kind of him.

Look at his smile you guys. Just. Look at it.

Stubble. I actually like it. Thoughts? Opinions?

Those sunglasses are the most amazing thing EVER.

When he's really happy, his eyes crinkle up. *smooshes*

Look at that grin. Just look at it.

I told you he liked monkeys.

YOU GUYSSSSS. Look at him. He is so pretty.

He is a tiny little pocket sized boy.

Who, even though he has humongous teeth, is adorable when he laughs.


His eyes *crinkle*, you guys.


Pete smiling. With Tony. Everyone send Tony nice thoughts. He is not in a good way right now.

Big teeth. But SO ADORABLE.

Hood. And the hair in the eyes.

He is so happy. meep.

His FACE. also, HIPS.

Hey look! It's Brendon! We'll see more of him later...

Now we get to see Patrick. Hi Patrick!


Such a cutiepants.

His little smirk! And, and. PATRICK.


Oh man, you guys. Adorable little bundle of fluff.

I will never not love this picture.


He has such a nice mouth. It's kind of distracting, really.

I. There are no words.

His SMILE. And his adorable little cheeks, and his arms, and oh.


Wee one.

That smirk. It gets me every time.

What a goof.

His SMILE. I can't get over it.

I'm sorry, I had to put this in. Because HOMG HOT. And his mouth is curving up a bit. That counts, right?

Look at his little teeth!

He is such a precious little bastard, isn't he?



Next we have Brendon, who a precious, tiny little monkey boy.

He loves Guitar Hero, you guys.

A lot of the times he has this tiny little smile, but that's good enough for me.

Especially when he's looking cute and adorable like this.

Even though he looks tired, and has huge bags under his eyes, SMILE.


Oh, Brendon.

I watched this performance with my parents, and now they will forever know him as "the guy with weird sideburns and fluffy hair".


YOU GUYS. Just. How is he even real? (magic is not a suitable answer although it's probably true)

Such a tiny little boy with his tiny little smirk.

He is made of sugar, you guys. SUGAR, I tell you.



Oh, smile.

That grin. GUH.

Look at him smiling. He has dimples, you guys. *Dimples*

And here he is eating a Lunchable. Because he is really 8 years old.

Just that tiny smile, with his little dimples is enough for me.

Besides the fact that Brendon is a pretty girl in this picture, let's all examine Spencer's hand.

Spencer Smith is underappreciated. Which makes me sad. But he can still smile about it. :D

Spencer has one of the prettiest smiles EVER. EVEREVER.

EVER. (credit to eckerlilas

JonWalker makes Spencer smile.

Look at this mischeivous little smirk.

Flippy hair Spencer is adorable.

FRANK. Oh, Frankie. His smile is beautiful. Just like him.

Also? I LOVE his hair.

How he gets his skin that clear, I wish I knew.

Hot pink. He and Brendon should go shopping for hoodies together.

Frank loves playing guitar.

He is so beautiful, you guys. SO BEAUTIFUL.

There's that little smirk again.

He is so tiny and cute and little and hot and smiley.

Frank is also smokin' hot.


Okay, so I had to put this in because it's baby!Frankie, and he's smiling!

His tattoos mesmerize me. Someone should make a timeline of them.

MOOSE. (ahaha. the pillows in the porncabin had moose on them. CHARADES!)

Gerard is a beautiful angel with a pretty smile.

Seriously. ANGEL.

Gerard says hi. Everyone say hi to Gerard.

His eyes even sparkle.

How can you resist that face?

Now group photos of boys smiling. Such pretty boys. *sigh*

Fine, Mikey. Be a party pooper and don't smile.


They are all so happy!

This picture. It makes my heart smile.

Brendon's just laughing away while Spencer is unmoved.

Just because this is adorable.

Brendon laughing, with his head thrown back. Now that's a real laugh. I want to see this laughter firsthand, plz.

Mountain men FTW.

BFF love.

PS. I left this unlocked should you feel the need to link this.

as long as it's about me, picspam, my boys, we all wanna party when the funeral ends, patd

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