Jul 01, 2010 15:52

oh man, you guys. exciting things have been happening lately! i will do a recap of my new york trip soon(ish), but for now have a picspam of hot football players (mostly from the spanish national team)! \o/

TEAM! this is after they beat portugal. there was much celebration. (dude on top is pique; we'll come back to him later.)

first up, spain's goalkeeper(and captain!), iker casillas. he is beautiful and oh man, kiiiiind of my favorite.

he had a beard for awhile, and it looked FANTASTIC.

a lot of times he is all SRS BSNS.

but he can also be pretty fucking adorable. ♥

his nickname in spain is san iker. *draws hearts*

this is fernando torres, one of spain's strikers. we spent a good portion of this weekend looking at pretty, pretty pictures of him. :D

he has ALL OF THE FRECKLES. i appreciate this.

he also has quite the fantastic ass. (notice the dudes in the background checking him out)


these are his cleats. if you can see, on the inside of the right shoe it says "nora", which is the name of his daughter. ♥______♥

xabi alonso. he likes dexter, is super classy and intelligent and has imo one of the best accents.

he also enjoys taking his shirt off! \o/

he also makes ridiculous faces and has been dubbed "skinny" by me and rhombal

this is gerard pique, a defender for spain. i first noticed him when he got kicked in the face, started bleeding profusely from his mouth, and then proceeded to play the rest of the game with gauze in his mouth. starting that game, he also already had stitches from the previous game. ♥♥♥

he is also quite pretty.

this is cesc fábregas, one of spain's midfielders. he hasn't been started yet this tournament, which is a bummer, since every time he does get on the field, he's amazing.

he's really adorable and i enjoy him lots. he watches lost, 90210, and desperate housewives! WHAT.

he is also very pretty. *______*


and now, pictures of them touching each other! \o/

that's sergio hugging nando, btw. they're kind of boyfriends.

hi stevie! how did you sneak your way in here? :D

not touching, but whatevs!

sergio and nando like to stretch together, iykwim. ;P

so cesc and pique have apparently known each other since they were really little, and there are lots of really adorable pictures of them being tiny and precious together. :D

DANCE PRACTICE! look at xabi's face! XD

n'awwww, goalkeepers!

ok, so pique is also five million feet tall.

best gif. EVER. reciprocal ass-slaps! kisses! \o/

i always feel sad, because the goalies have to celebrate by themselves and everyone else is at the other end of the field. clearly iker doesn't mind; it gives him more room for dancing. *g*

and i leave you with iker doing ridiculous things with his face. :D

leaving this public in case anyone wants to link!

xabi=skinny, traitorous douchebag, cescccccccc, san iker, piquechu, team espana!!!!!!

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