I Honestly Don't Know What To Title This...

Jul 28, 2004 18:55

Well I have news, and then I have NEWS. I'll start with the latter first. The Marine Corps currently holds no openings in the Intelligence program DD, nor will they until July of next year, which is one month after my maximum DEP program ends. My only hope for said program would be for someone else to drop it before I ship out, which to remind everyone is December 13. I went and talked with SSGT. Moore today to discuss alternatives, in the hopes that I would be able to find another program I could get into. The only other openings were in electrician or mechanics jobs, and I really don't want to do that. The Cryptography and Linguist program has one opening, which is my second choice, I want to learn Korean, however it is after my ship out date. Gunny Monroe and SSGT. Moore are going to try and pull it down for me, but we're not sure we'll be able to do that. That leaves me with one other option I have any interest in, Infantry. So in all likelihood, when I ship out on December 13 it is most likely to become a Rifleman. The other news is that if I get word that they can't pull the Crypto. program down I might choose to leave early if I can, foregoing the Fall semester completely. There is a small chance that if I wait until December an opening will appear in one of the other programs but it's a very small chance. Another factor that will influence my decision is that I am currently not going to receive financial aid for Fall, which if that happens I can't afford tuition so I'll be forced to withdraw. If it ends up that I won't be in school then I guess I'll find a second job and just work until I leave. My parents are pushing for me to return home but I'm not sure about that, I don't want to but I might end up having to. I don't know what all of this means yet, hell I'm not even sure about what to do yet, but I thought you all should know so if you get a call one day and you hear "I just called to say goodbye." don't be too surprised.
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