Oct 05, 2008 02:37
I am SO sick right now. You know how sometimes you wake up and suddenly you're in a full blown state of illness? Well, instead of waking up that way, I progressed through ti while I worked last night. I started the night feeling fine- good actually, other than being at work instead of home lol. But by 5 am I started coughing a lot and having a hard time stopping in front of patients, but I just thought it was a passing thing. Something in my lungs I needed to get out.
Well... after getting out of work at 8:30am, I stopped home to change before going to a conference, and the coughing was getting more productive. I started to get a headache, which I figued was just from hacking. By the time I made it to the Women's Health symposium at UB, I coudl feel the fever. I was listening to people speak, and I could feel my neck getting stiff and feel myself getting sensitive to the cold, so on and so forth.
Basically, my assumption is that I have bacterial bronchitis. I can feel the infection in the upper lobes of my lungs, and not too deep into my lower lobes. My throat and lungs hurt, my fever makes my body hurt, etc you all have been sick you know what I mean. If the fever clears up I'll be able to function, because the fever is worse than the coughing. Nightmares, freezing,body pain, confusion, etc.
I have church, open houses, errands, cleaning, and homework to do, tomorrow. Monday I have lecture as well as clinical. I just hope I dont' get behind in anything...... go away, fever!